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After that, if you don’t resent me for what I just said, please fill in the blanks… You won’t regret it (hum… I hope so!)


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This lovely package of 0's and 1's will bring you all the up-to-the-minute information on Brooke & Thorne... well... I guess all you really need to do is come to the site. Would you like a little sample before you join? Gosh, are you in luck!!



With the B&T Newsletter, you can be the envy of all your friends. You'll find out spoilers and get exclusive script excerpts from upcoming episodes of Brooke and Thorne. Oh, but wait, there's so much more. I'm not stoppin' there... whoa no, because I'm cr-r-razy! Order now, and I'll toss in reviews and spoilers for the Bold and The Beautiful, as well... you know, that other show about Brooke and Thorne??

So how much would you expect to pay for all this worthless information? $29.99? $39.99?? Well, you can quit guessing because you'll never guess what I'm about to tell you... THE NEWSLETTER IS ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!!! Whoever told you you can't get something for nothing is a stone cold moron!

Still not impressed? Well, then how about if I ask you this: did you ever get to see the B&T scene when Brooke slaps Ridge and tells him he is a total moron while Thorne tells his father that he should get rid of Stephanie or he might turn out just like her that is to say a psychopath ? You didn't? Well, that's because you didn't sign up for the newsletter! Don't even look for it on the site, it's not here! If you don't want to get left in the dust again... SIGN UP NOW!

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Please note: writer's use of the letters "C," "B," and "S" in sequence is in no way meant to represent the corporate entity CBS. In fact I hit those keys by accident. And as further clarification, use of the words "CBS" in the previous sentence was simply used to designate my detachment from that entity and in no way suggest any relationship between either I or my computer to that entity.