Profile for Kagura Neko

Name: Kagura Neko

Age: Non-mortal and ageless, looks 21-23

Sex: Male

Blood Type: Unknown

Hair Color: Dreamer Blue

Eyes: Piercing yellow with odd accents (from Sharingan). Strongly illuminated at times; Can turn red/red-orange.

Species: Anthropomorphic Siberian Tiger

Classification: Teradhaemon, First Generation.

Level placement: Nessus

Generation Bonuses: Advanced Spiritual Intimidation, Perfected Sharingan (includes Mangekyou), Increased Holy Tolerance, Eternal Mitama/Megatama

Number of Mitama/Magatama: 8

Energy Pools: Blood, Souls/Life Energy, Chakra, Dark, Holy (at times), Flame, Wrath/Hatred (VII), Trigger, Adrenaline/Rage/Desperation.

Elemental Strength/Resistance: Fire and Darkness

Elemental Weakness: Holy (Slight due to generation bonus; can be resisted if absorbed into medium, will still give damage if strong enough).

Weapons carried: Various, some concealed. (Dual kodachi or lightsabers visible).

Attire: SFB uniform while on duty, black casual wear while relaxing, otherwise, he wears his assassin's garbs.

Highest Obtained Military Rank/Affiliation: General (*****), Draconia.

Current Military Rank/Affiliation: Master Chief, SFB

Assassin Class: S

Styles of Combat: Nightstalker (akimbo sword), Duelist (akimbo pistol), Sniper (assault/sniper rifle), Freestyler (unarmed, mixture of Aikido, Isshin-Ryu, and breakdancing), Berserker (sword/pistol combo), CQC (knife/pistol combo), Headhunter (akimbo knife). **NOTE**: Stealth is a tactic, not a style of combat.

Form I (Shii-Cho): A [Passive to all forms]
Form II (Makashi): S [Still practiced; Passive to form V]
Form III (Soresu): S [Still practiced; Passive to form V]
Form IV (Ataru): A
Form V (Djem So): S
Form VI (Niman): S [Passive to form X]
Form VII (Vaapad): A
Form VIII (Sokan): A
Form X (Jar'Kai): S [Preferred]
**Note: Passive implies that the form isn't always used in combat, and is mostly supplimentary to another form.

Ninjutsu: S

Taijutsu: S

Genjutsu: S

Build: Nin/Tai/Gen (Ninja tactics strongest; Physical attacks nearly equal; Very few but very strong illusionary tactics).

Charisma: 10, Appearance: 10

Occupation: Friend, Assassin (Includes Hunting and Bounty Hunting), Full-time Father, former worker of the H Club and the M Club (only because they ceased to exist), Owner of Yorokonde Tavern, Sith Assassin/Lord (Where applicable), Multipurpose worker at Crystal M00n Mansion, Bouncer at TDT, Head Bouncer of Playmates Playhouse, Bouncer/Bartender at Hall of Sins, Lotus Village Fighter/Ninja, Hellsing Operative, Master.

[Yaash #4183]

Description: An individual, a lone figure in the distance, his lengthy blue hair flowing downward, resting near his flame-resemblant pupils. He travels around, mostly alone. Not much is known of him, or his past. There are many rumors that spread around about him, but who could sort the truth from the stories? He is dressed in what seems to be a standard sneaking suit, yet a cloak drapes over his shoulders and back, possibly there to hide weapons he may have upon his body. There is a red and black checkered shield insignia upon his right shoulder with a single word across the upper portion. The word is hard to read at a distance, but quickly vanishes beneath the cloak before a better view is achieved. Around his waist is a sash, which he always keeps nearby, the only momento left with him from his dear, departed friend, Shannara. He notices you glancing at him, and gives you a friendly nod of salutation before going on his way, but this depends on how he feels toward you, and what emotions you show to him. If shown hostility, he will not hesitate to defend himself, or anyone as he sees fit. As you begin to wonder where he is going, you take your moments off him one short moment, to blink, and he is gone, seeming to vanish, perhaps into the crowd, or perhaps someplace else..Something you have yet to find out.

((User note: Many despise Kagura Neko, believing that he is nothing but the exact same "Kagura" from the past. Please, if you do not know, whisper me and I will straighten out the differences, and there ARE please do not assume for me.. Many hate him, and that is fine. Those who do not, also fine. He's no longer a half-demonic creature as he was before, nor a servant..his power resides in the hearts tainted with hatred (of him, or not even involving him).. There is no absolute to the bounds of this sort of power, so please, do not underestimate, he would not be weak if he uses the power of the hatred toward him.. Some choice others try making others hate him. Go ahead, as I said, he feeds off it, and he feeds off their now-impure souls! ^_^ If you don't hate him, fine with me, he'll not have reason to destroy you unless you give him one..))

Dice Systems Supported: Anime d20, World of Darkness (Don't have them? Only hurts you. If you don't have stat sheets, of either, your abilities, regardless what you are, will be limited to the "stock average", meaning, the most you could have in WOD would likely be 3 max if mortal, 5 max if supernatural. As for anime d20, you will be assigned max level of 10 (total between classes) for mortal, and max level of 20 for supernatural.)

Pics (photoshoppings below pics):
As a human (Soul Calibur III)
Kagura/Katrina by Katrina Sapphire
Similar to Kagura (drawn by Chalosan)
Chibi Kagura sketch by Meru li Kamiya
Reference to some of Kagura's tactical wear (c) Jay Naylor
Kagura and Pink Divinity by gsomuano
Kagura Neko (Gaia Online)
Another outfit reference
Kagura with a bit more human quality
Older Second Life Picture
Human Kagura (drawn by Blizzy Shogun)
Phantasy Star Universe close-up
Phantasy Star Universe full body
Crouched in tactical gear (Second Life)
Standing with goggles up and mask on (Second Life)
Standing with goggles down and mask on (Second Life)
Closeup with mask and goggles on (Second Life)
Closeup with mask on and goggles up (Second Life)
Closeup with mask off and goggles up (Second Life; common wear--may not wear goggles)
Full suit with special operations G36C (Second Life)

***NOTICE*** I am selling this suit in Second Life. If you haven't noticed, this is a close replica of the combat gear used in the reference pic above (drawn by Jay Naylor). The goggles come in tri-lens and bi-lens types. I currently have a clava available for Luskwood BigCat and the Ninja Weasel wolf. The suit is available in full sets including mask and goggles, for L$1200 (With species specific mask included). The base portion of the suit is L$900. The mask (either Wolf or BigCat) is L$300 by itself. The goggles are L$300 by themselves. The goggles may require MINOR manual adjustment for proper head position, but should fit most furre avatars. You can purchase a set of goggles and the mask for L$500.

Photoshoppings (for character resemblance):
From character by Kentaro Yabuki
From character by Kentaro Yabuki ("anatomically correct" version)
From character by Kentaro Yabuki (2)
From character by Kentaro Yabuki (2; "anatomically correct" version)
From character by Chalosan (seen above)
Photoshopped by Meru li Kamiya; From character by Natsuki Takaya