Main Street, NYC

Newsies take to the streets everyday to try to sell all their papes as fast as they can. If you're a Newsie, you could always use some of Jack's tips to "stretching" headlines. And if you're not, well you can just sit back and watch our group of cuties dance and sing in the streets of New York City.

The real Newsies of 1899 didn't dance and sing like the Disney ones did, though. Since the boys weren't under any sort of supervision, they could basically do whatever they wanted to. For example, as soon as they got enough money (5¢) to catch a movie, they'd go on over to the theatre and watch the latest big-screen hit (which was rarely any longer than 20 minutes) before they got back to working. Rough life, eh?

Actually, making a living for yourself at the age they were at wasn't all peachy. One boy had to make up outraegous headlines just so he could live till the next day. One time, he thought he had someone fooled but they figured it out, and he bolted (I'll look up the story and relay it more clearly later).