* W A V E L E N G T H *
kinda like a journal

Seventh of July 1998
As you may have guessed already I have a tendency to go overboard.  It's an irrepressible habit of mine. Speaking of habits, I have none.. none of the usual sort - drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, normality etc. Just thought I'd add that in. Why? Because I can really.  Don't you hate it when people take advantage of their homepage - use it as a mechanism to write pure and utter crap. I do, but then.. hating things has never stopped me from doing them. Except ballet and netball, I'd never do those.  Why? I dunno really. Just one of those things. Speaking of things, another thing... I really hate it when computers freeze up. It always happens, just when your about to save... not before and not after.. but just as you move the mouse arrow... up - up - nearly there.. file.. freeze. Yes. Anti-freeze.. computers need anti-freeze.  What is anti-freeze anyway? And another thing... at the beginning of this I said I wasn't going to write a huge blurb about me... well, I lied. Not deliberately, but a lie none the less. I apologise for that now.. in fact, I apologise for everything you have just read. It's not my fault.. it just happens... actually, I forgot what I was saying.. so that last part doesn't make any sense. But then, what is sense anyway? Do you find this entire paragraph full of contradictions?  This really shouldn't be a paragraph...it's full of mis-matched, incorrectly spelt, non-sentences... so again, I apologise, for all the grammar mistakes you have read so far.. and all that will follow. I don't claim to be an expert on the English language.. but then, maybe that's my problem. Claims.... have an odd way of coming true or at least making other people believe that you are what you claim to be. Therefore, I hereby claim to be an expert of the English language and while I'm at it, I claim to be a millionaire.  If you want to know the absolute truth, I am devastatingly bored as I write this... and, to be completely honest again, I didn't really think much about what I was writing... therefore, you have read my brain.. as it was.. on the 7th of July at 12:55am in the grand old year of 1998. For those of you who aren't good at maths.. that's less than two years till the year 2000.

Fourth September 1998
I was thinking today, about how people are different.  I know it's a dumb thing to think about but it was on my mind... like, why is it that I like apples more than oranges? Why do you like banana's or prune juice? Why do I like cartoons and you like horror? I don't know.  A psychologist might say it's all to do with our family and the way we're brought up.. or maybe it's a sociologist who'd say that? Truth is, I don't care.. I've done subjects from both those disciplines and found it a complete bore. Still, being different is interesting.... huh, I say interesting some say 'wrong'.  Imagine saying that hey?  Your different therefore I don't like you.  Weird stuff... that happened to me once.  I was sitting in the library in highschool, would have been year 11 so I was about 17 years old.  A friend.. or should that be 'friend'  came up to me and we started chatting,  moments later she says :  "We can't talk" .  I had no idea why of course, "Why not?".   She says.. and this is the dumb part.. "Because your muslim and I'm serbian so we can't be friends."   That freaked me out... I mean... I was born here and so was she, yet because over yonder in some foreign world a million trillion miles from here two countries were in war... so we couldn't be friends *shrugs*.  I suppose I should be grateful that she wasn't a close friend... see, that's the thing.. you gotta be grateful for things like that.  I mean, that's another thing that annoys me.. why can't people be grateful... see what your looking at right now... yes, the computer screen! See it... do you?  Some where out there in a poor place is a hungry, sickly, dying kid.  And here we are, typing and reading and laughing at the actions of people we'll never meet, never care for and never need.  Where's the sanity in that?  In a way.. it's disgusting that we could all be so uncaring... and yet, at the same time... I would never be able to share with you my concerns if I didn't have this silly lifeless electricity-chewing machine in front of me.  Gosh that's a depressing topic... however, one that isn't is FROZZ.  I like Frozz.. for those of you who don't know it's flavoured mint - a bit like tictacs.  At first, I didn't like them.. but they became addictive and made me hyperactive.. so now me and Akila have them practically everyday, get really hyper and laugh so much our faces get sore. There are three flavours: cherry, orange and mint.  I like the cherry even though it tastes a bit like medicine! Well, that's enough for now... as always, that's my brain tonight at 1:04am (which technically means it's the 5/9/98).

18th September 1998
I was thinking today about how easy it is for one to change ones mind.  Like me, I always change my mind about things... opinions become irrelevant after awhile.. oh, no.. that's not completely true. But I mean stuff like this page for example - I have changed my mind about what I am doing on it about a million times.  Why can't I just start it and finish it in one go.. but noo.. have to keep going and going and going.

You know what? My mind isn't working today.

Twenty-sixth October 1998

Well, my exams are soon so I am should be stressed out and panicing.. but I am not. Exams don't really worry me that much, at least not until about 5 minutes before I enter the exam room. Luckily this year I only have 2 exams so I am quite lucky, although I've noticed that a lot of my friends only have a few exams this semester... which is groovy :) Who's going to complain?? Certainly not I.
I was thinking about Coca-Cola today... They are such a huge company, I am talking massive. Where in the world have they not at least heard of the brand?? It's just amazing.. I'd like to own a company like that one day.

First though, I suppose I better study for exams :)

Thirteenth November 1998

Well Exams and another semester is over. I am sad though. Minimal hours have gone by and I miss my friends and uni social life already. I feel like these holidays - 3 months worth are going to be boring. How can they not be? I have nothing to do.. sure I have a job and I am even doing off-campus summer school... it's just. I don't know how to explain it. I go to uni almost every day, I see the same people - my friends everyday. It's just so fun and I get attached to these people.. you know? It's like if I go to uni and I don't see them my day isn't complete! I already miss them...they probably don't miss me though. I'm much to sentimental you see. No I am, really. I care about people too much.. can't help it.. it's almost silly in a way.

I've decided life is pretty confusing, but it's a learning experience. I guess I have to remember that.

* S T U F F *
Muslim's in Australia This is an essay I wrote on Muslim's in Australia. It's not here because I think it's good, it's here because I think it's an interesting topic. It's readable.
The Status of Muslim Women As above.. except the topic is different :) It's got stuff on Muslim feminists, it's rather brief but it's readable.
Speech This is a speech I had to do for class, it should be taken as being funny and sarcastic - not too seriously!

* P I C T U R E S *

My Childhood Photograhs A couple of Photo's of me when I was much younger! :)
My Dad Photo's of my dad when he was younger, they are in b&w and are here so they never get old and tattered :)
The Contents of My Purse. Cards, bus tickets and more.. the contents of my purse! However, for obvious reasons my last name has been erased :)