Alex was born in May of 1990. We found him sitting in a cage in a pet shop. He was 14 wks old...(too old for most people who wanted a little "puppy"...he even had his price slashed to get rid of him! He just sat there looking out from his cage, not even daring to get his hopes up anymore, as he watched us pick out a little baby Schnauzer and play with him. He just sat "proud and proper" with his big brown eyes riveted on us.

For some reason I kept looking back at this dog (supposedly a "miniature poodle") over my shoulder, as the little Schnauzer squirmed in my arms. He looked almost resigned, as though he had seen this picture many times in his short 14 weeks.

Finally, not able to take it anymore, I asked the lady to please get that Poodle out for us. As soon as he was put in my arms, he put both front legs around my neck and his head on my shoulder and actually "hugged" me!! That was that!!

And he is NOT a miniature poodle, as we came to find out...must be a mix of minature and standard, but he is considered a standard. And NO! we don't ever give him that ridiculous haircut!! AND he never sheds!!

It's been 7 years now, and Alex has brought unbelievable joy into our lives...he is a prince among dogs. He is truly a gentleman dog, behaving wherever we go. He is a great traveler and just curls up in the backseat and sleeps. He is better than most kids in a hotel or motel. He is a great watch dog and considers himself to be the guardian of at least all the yards and areas he is able to see or smell. He always sleeps with one ear open, lest he miss something. He loves everyone and always gives them a gift if they visit us (usually Holly's old blue fuzzy slipper he confiscated from the attic).

When this dog is gone from our lives there will be a void that no dog will ever again fill, but we love him enough to keep on trying!



Alex passed away in December of 2006 at the ripe old age of 16 1/2. He was a faithful, sweet, loving companion right til the end, but old age was taking the fun out of his life and it was time to say good bye to our dear beloved friend. We will never forget you, dear, sweet boy, Alex....