Welcome ya'll, here's a little bit about me. I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia January 30, 1973. I have one sweet little sister, well she's not little now that she attends Universitas Brawijaya as an accounting major. I went to SMAN 66 a nice and quiet place to study, it's a small high school near Pondok Labu area. Right now I'm pursuing my Bachelor of Fine Art in Graphic Design at University of Missouri - Columbia. Currently I'm a senior there and yes I will graduate in this coming December...(finally). Although I like it here, I can't wait to go home after I graduated, I really miss my home and my folks. Actually the people in Columbia aren't too bad..they're fun and friendly especially if you go to Inacafe they're a lot of fun. And my friends from the Art Department are great, they're cool! If you guys wanna know me better you can email me or just chat with me, I often go to #warkop onIRC as you know what WOOFwoof.

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