Internet Link Exchange
Member of the cookie-sending Internet Link Exchange



Since the GeoTropics Webring was started in June, 36 sites have joined us, from all over the world. At present, I am considering visiting every eligible site, but I am daunted by this prospect! It has been a great encouragement to me to receive applications to join the Webring from sites I have never visited or invited. This means that the community ideals of Webring are working. If you joined us without a personal invitation, you are particularly welcome.


Any time now, TheTropics/Shores neighbourhood will be full, and GeoCities will be starting an area for new residents of TheTropics. I can scarcely wait! Who will be the first member of the new neighbourhood to join us?


As a member of the GeoTropics Ring, you will receive this newsletter about the Ring. As I am as irritated by spamming as anybody else, I certainly do not wish to cause annoyance to any of our members. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, mail me and tell me and you'll never hear from me again, unless I have to contact you for some reason.
I do not expect to send out news and features more than once a month, though it will probably be rarer than that.
Is there any interest in a more frequent mailing list?
The structure for a mailing list is in place. Posting to will put your message into a queue for me to "moderate", but until I can tell whether you want to receive such mail, it may well be discarded.


Any site not adhering to the GeoCities content guidelines will not be invited to join the GeoTropics Ring. This includes the usual restrictions on other banner exchange systems. This mailing list is advertiser-supported, but it is not provided by GeoCities. The same is true of WebRing itself.


You are not a member of the ring until you add the HTML code to your site, and if the ring is to survive, it will stay that way! However, if you decide to make your site framed and you joined us early, please make sure that each link contains the tag
because if it doesn't, people following the ring will be trapped in your frames. This will also result in your site being moved out to the queue until you fix it up, something I really don't like doing.
Please make sure that your code works under Netscape and Internet Explorer. I prefer Netscape 3.01 but I also user IE 3.02 from time to time. I am amazed that some sites look so different under the two broswers. If you can, please check that your ring pages are accessible to both!


Some of the sites in the Ring have created advertising banners for the Internet Link Exchange, GeoRewards or GeoGuide programs. If you would like me to include these on a ring promotional page on my site, I will be pleased to do so. Please mail me with your banner's URL.


You can mail me at or
My site is
The GeoTropics Ring Homepage is
and a list of members is at
The homepage for WebRing is at
Thank you all for your continued support of the GeoTropics WebRing!



New edition sometime in January... or February... or...
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