~ Ursula5 She currently resisdes in Ontario, Canada where she lives and works in her studio home in the country as an artist.  The world of IRC affords us all the ability to meet people from many walks of life.  We all have our own life stories, but some have had experiences that most of us only read or dream about. Ursula is one of those we generally only read about, but through modern technology and the IRC, we in 'the hale' have the fortunate opportunity to be able to talk with her.  I have taken the liberty to extract a quote from an article written about her... "The lady who speaks six languages, and admits to being poor as a church mouse and millionaire twice, has many interesting stories to tell."  I invite you to visit her website, view her work and learn more about this fascinating lady (be sure to click on her 'the Artist').   To go to her webpage click + here +