Made by somebody else but very usefull for someone who wants to read more about Mexico. Marcel Petersen, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 1998.

Take a look at the Defending the Land of the Jaguar: Natural History of Mexico, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995)
- Excellent history of Mexico's environmental consciousness.
Kudos to author Lane Simonian for producing the definitive English-language account of Mexican environmental history. Defending the Land of the Jaguar traces the history of conservation and environmentalism in Mexico from the pre-Conquest era to roughly 1992 and the NAFTA debates.

Arturo Gomez Pompa and Rodolfo Dirzo
Reservas de la Biosfera y Otras Areas Naturales Protegidas de Mexico, (Mexico City: INE and CONABIO, 1996)
- Excellent!

Blake, Tupper Ansel and Peter Steinhart
Two Eagles/Dos Aguilas: The Natural World of the United States-Mexico Borderlands, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994)

Endangered Mexico : An Environment on the Edge
by Joel Simon, Sierra Club, 1997


Marita Adair and Herb Felsted, Carla Martindell Felsted and Maribeth Mellin
Mexico On $45 A Day, (New York: Macmillan, 1996)
- Well-written

Ben Box
Mexico & Central America Handbook, (Chicago: Passport Books, 1996)
- A classic

Landon Crompton
Baja Almanac: California Norte, (Las Vegas, Nevada: Baja Almanac Publishers, 1997)
- Detailed topographic maps; great resource for driving or hiking in Baja California Norte

Joe Cummings
Northern Mexico Handbook, (Chico California: Moon, 1994)
- Covers the region from coast to coast

Joe Cummings and Kiki Mallan
Mexico Handbook, Moon Publications, 1996
- The book is encyclopedic in size and combines the wisdom and travel experiences of two Moon authors. Facts are aplenty, but it side-steps environmental sensibility, particularly regarding places in the southern half of the country.

Richard D. Fisher
National Parks of Northern Mexico, (Tucson: Sunracer Publications, 1992)
- Beautiful photos

Richard D. Fisher
Mexico's Copper Canyon, (Tucson: Sunracer Publications, 1992)

Carl Franz and Lorena Havens
People's Guide to Mexico, (Santa Fe: John Muir Publications, 1996)
- This book cleverly doesn't list a single hotel or restaurant, but I can't imagine a more invaluable resource for anyone's first trip to Mexico

Richard Harris
The New Key to Cancun and the Yucatan, (Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, CA, 1995)

"Mexico" Mike Nelson
Live Better South of the Border, (Harlingen, Texas: Roads Scholar Press, 1997)
- Vignettes and lists of pros and cons for living in various Mexican cities and villages. Great resource for anyone considering relocating south of the U.S. border.

"Mexico" Mike Nelson
Mexico's Colonial Heart, (McAllen, Texas: Wanderlust Publications, 1995)
- Mile by mile guide for driver's visiting Central Mexico's most beautiful colonial gems.

John Noble, Wayne Bernhardson, Tom Brosnahan, Susan Forsyth, Nancy Keller and James Lyon
Mexico: Travel Surival Kit, (Berkeley: San Francisco, 1995)
- My favorite guide to hotels, bus schedules and artesenia

Ericka Weisbroth and Eric Ellman
Bicycling Mexico, (Edison, NJ: Hunter Publishing, Inc., 1990)
- Slightly out of date, this is an excellent review of seeing Mexico from the cyclist's seat.


Complete list of current Mexico-related magazines and newsletters.

Mexico Desconocido
- Excellent monthly travel magazine (in Spanish)

Mexican Meanderings
- Informative, witty bi-monthly newsletter


Eckart Boege and Hipolito Rodriguez
Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente en Veracruz, (Mexico City: Fundacion Friederich Ebert y Instituto de Ecologia, 1992)

Hector Ceballos-Lascurain
Estrategia Nacional de Ecoturismo Para Mexico, (Mexico City: Secretaria de Turismo, 1994)

Gonzalo Chapela and David Barkin
Monarcas y Campesinos, (Centro de Ecologia y Desarrollo, 1995)
- Links environmental conservation in the Monarch Sanctuary with the lives of nearby farmers. Also proposes interesting ecotourism solutions.

Frederick R. Gehlbach
Mountain Islands and Desert Seas: A Natural History of the U.S.-Mexican Borderlands, (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993)

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica (INEGI)
Estadisticas del Medio Ambiente: Mexico 1994, (Mexico: INEGI, 1995)
- Comprehensive collection of environment-related statistics.

John Kricher
A Neotropical Companion: An Introduction to the animals, plants and ecosystems of the New World Tropics, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989)
- Illustrated and highly useful guide.

Arturo Gomez Pompa and Rodolfo Dirzo
Reservas de la Biosfera y Otras Areas Naturales Protegidas de Mexico, (Mexico City: INE and CONABIO, 1996)

Enrique Leff
Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo en Mexico - Two Volumes (Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Humanidades and Miguel Angel Porrua, 1990)

Nabhan, Gary Paul and Mark Klett
Desert Legends: Re-storying the Sonoran Borderlands,(New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1994)

Ramamoorthy, T.P., Robert Bye and Antonio Lot (eds.)
Biological Diversity of Mexico: Origins and Distribution, (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993)
- First major review of biodiversity in Mexico. Excellent!

Patricio Robles Gil, Direccion Editorial
Diversidad Natural y Cultural de Mexico, 3 Volumes, (Mexico: CEMEX, 1995)

Directorio Verde: Organismos No Gubernamentales, (Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, 1992)

Informe de la Situacion General en Materia de Equilibrio Ecologico y Proteccion al Ambiente 1993-1994, (Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, 1994)

Programa de Medio Ambiente 1995-2000, (Mexico City: SEMARNAP, 1996)

Programa de Areas Naturales Protegidas de Mexico 1995-2000, (Mexico City: SEMARNAP, 1996)

Fernando Vargas Marquez
Parques Nacionales de Mexico, (Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas, 1984)
- Reviews the development of Mexico's national parks. Excellent review and well written! Note - Fernando Vargas Marquez is seeking a publisher who would update this work.

Wauer, Roland H.
Naturalist's Mexico, (College Station : Texas A&M University Press, 1992)

Angus Wright
The Death of Ramon Gonzalez: The Modern Agricultural Dilemna, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990)

Douglas L. Murray
Cultivating Crisis: The Human Cost of Pesticides in Latin America, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995)

Field Guides

Steve Howell and Sophie Webb
A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995)
- Incredible field guide used by birders throughout the region.

Marcelo Aranda and Ignacio March
Guia de los Mamiferos Silvestres de Chiapas, (Xalapa: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Naturales, 1987)
- out of print, but an excellent, illustrated guide to mammals in Chiapas.

Politics and Culture

Michael Coe
Mexico, (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1982)
- A beautiful book! For those of us who learning the difference between Zapotec and Olmec cultures, art and symbolism.

Sophie Coe
America's First Cuisines, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994
- Detailed descriptions of the foods eaten by the Aztecs, Maya and Inca.

Jonathan Kandell
La Capital, (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1988)
- A sweeping chronicle of the life of Mexico's capital city.

Charmayne McGee
So Sings the Blue Deer, Atheneum, 1994
- Wonderful children's novel that provides a colorful picture of rural Nayarit and the Huichol Indians. Check out her website for more information:

Phillip Russell
Mexico Under Salinas, (Austin: Mexico Resource Center, 1994)
- Reviews the previous sexenio. Briefly covers environmental policy.

John Reed
Insurgent Mexico
- Milestone coverage of the Mexican Revolution by a U.S. journalist

Alan Riding
Distant Neighbors: A Portrait of the Mexicans - Synthesis of Mexican culture, politics and economics in the 1980s by a U.S. journalist

See also:
Maya Bibliography

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