USA Page
We live in the great country of the United States of America and like the song says "MY Country Tis of Thee, Sweet Land Of Liberty". As we travel around our many states we see such a varity of landscapes and scenery. There are the Oceans and sea shores with the surf lapping at the shore trying to take it back into itself. There are the majestic mountains with the cool clear springs, lakes and rivers with water falls, and swift water conducive of white water rafting. There are the prairies, and valleys, and the wide open spaces. There are the desert lands with the Cacti and there are the mighty Fir and Pine Trees and the mighty Oaks and other types of trees. The USA is a land of big cities and small rural towns with farm land and ranches scattered throughout the countryside.
This said , take a peek at some of the places we have been and see for yourself what a great Land we live in.