Hi, I'm glad that you stopped by. What do you think? Thank You all for the comments that you have made on my beloved son Douglas Marshall Jackson, may his soul rest in peace in the arms of God.
<bgsound src="wind.mid" loop=infinite>

- 12/15/00 18:04:09


Kathryn - 12/15/00 09:52:52
My URL:http://www.ledbury14.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:kathryn@ledbury14.freeserve.co.uk

This is a wonderful tribute to your son Doug. I watched Dougs movie and although it brought tears to my eyes...so nice you have it. I am sorry for your loss and understand the heartache of losing a child as my daughter Jenn was killed in a car crash July 0, 2000. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and may God blessyou and your family.

Jim Lehmann - 12/15/00 05:04:53

that is a real tear jerker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Khaver - 12/14/00 14:44:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/wingsofpeace1/index.html
My Email:KhaversBlessings@hotmail.com

Hi :) I'd like to invite you to a wonderful group called Wings of Peace. We're all about love, support, encouragement, kinsness, care, prayers, and friendship. Let us be your friend when you're down and give smiles when you need some. Come on in and visi the Wings of Peace site by going to the url above, we look forward to seeing you soon, Love Khaver

Mark Beckmann - 12/13/00 21:23:02
My Email:mbeckman_us@yahoo.com

Very good Lisa.It is a fine tribute to Douglas. Although i didn't know him very well, what little i did he was a fine young man. I know Neil thought highly of him. So if you can, let him go cause he is in much better company now. You know what i mean

Bonnie Tolbert - 12/13/00 21:03:51
My Email:tolbcb@,midwest.net

Lisa, it's beautiful. You did a great job in preparing the Web page and in expressing your thoughts.

Sherry - 12/13/00 15:20:58
My Email:1sherry@adams.net

Dear Lisa, It's a beautiful tribute to your sweet and wonderful son, Douglas. I know he is watching over you and your family and I also know how very proud you are of him. I know the excruiatingly painful abd horrific day is approaching....mine was this past Monday, December 11th. We had a beautiful Memorial in our local paper and this helped a little. I wanted people to not forget my son as he will always and forever be n our hearts and minds. I would love to do something like this for Brian, but have no idea where to begin. If you have Microsoft Word 2000 or another version, I could send you Brian's Memorial if you would like to see it. Again, my dear friend, I wish you comfort, be kind to yourself and your family, wonderful memories of your beloved son, Douglas, love and peace as the Holidays approach us and please know that you are always in my prayers Lisa. Just remember, our sons ar no longer in pain and that I know they found each other and that is why we found each other. Take care of yourself Lisa and I send to you a wish for a Peaceful Heart...... Love, Sherry

Joanne Tucciarone - 12/13/00 14:55:31
My Email:joanne.tucciarone@pharma.com


Jackie (Brittany's Mom) - 12/13/00 00:47:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/brittluvu/index.html
My Email:britt4u@frontiernet.net

Dear Lisa, Your pages are a beautiful tribute to your son Doug, I am so very sorry for your loss, I am the daughter of a mother whom ended her life and a mother whom buried her daughter due to negligence of a rental company. I am here for you .... God Bless~

Marie Hubert - 12/12/00 18:06:25
My URL:http://dreamwater.com/hubert
My Email:mhu8155239@aol.com

Dear Lisa & family, I am so sorry for your loss of your handsome son. I wish there was something I could say to help you but I can't even help myself with the grief right now. Please know our prayers are with you. Douglas's memorial is beautiful.

CAROLE & JIM LEHMANN - 12/10/00 00:57:55
My Email:jllehmann@email.msn.com

What a beautiful tribute to your son Douglas. It brought tears to my eyes. Just remember he is looking down at you from heaven.

Wanda Swint - 12/07/00 22:11:03
My Email:wanda.swint@us.abb.com

Ove and Prayers to you. What a beautiful tribute to your son.

Shirley Jay's mom - 12/03/00 07:06:01
My Email:soden1@tiadon.com

I am sorry for your loss. To lose a precious son is bad enough, but when he chooses to go it makes it that much harder. Daily I grieve my own son. Daily I am greatful I had him as long as I did. I am glad he is no longer in pain.

Simon - 10/17/00 22:05:39

Wow, a rainbow in winter! It must have been a sign. Your site is very well done, with good music. God Bless.

Stacia Powers - 10/12/00 19:42:45
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/robertpowers/homepageforrobert
My Email:robertpowers@webtv.net

Your web page is beautiful...the rainbows....i'm in tears now. Thank You for sharing. Stacia

Joanne Davis - 09/19/00 01:46:31
My Email:coramwdavis@onemain.com


Loretta - 08/31/00 14:00:52
My Email:moto1@accessus.net

Lisa, I stop by your web page now and again just to see what beautiful things that you have done for your family. When I see the time that you have devoted to them expecially Doug it reminds me that I should and will treasure every minute with my family. Things in life happen so suddenly for reasons that none of us may understand but we all know God has placed us here for a brief time and then we go onto eternal life. God Bless you and your family and your web page is beautiful.

Barbara Garland - 08/01/00 06:16:10
My Email:JG4@webtv.net

Lisa, I share your sorrow...... Barbara Jasons Mom (POS)

Glenda - 07/29/00 02:12:41
My Email:Rhomad1906@aol.com

Lisa This is a beautiful site that you have created for your son. Thank you for sharing.

Patty J - 07/27/00 20:26:26
My Email:inspatty@aol.com

Lisa, What a beautiful page you have constructed just for Douglas. You are in my prayers and I share your grief.

Jackie Poland - 07/26/00 03:34:32
My Email:mommafish2000@aol.com

Such a beautiful site for a beautiful young man. The promise of your rainbow is a sign for all of us who have children in heaven. Love and understanding, Jackie/mom of Jack October 18, 1979 + April 11, 2000

June - 07/26/00 01:09:55
My Email:jetcat@accessus.net

Happy 19th Birthday today, Doug! I miss you alot! Love you!

Tami Fugo - 07/26/00 00:58:29

Lisa, Thank you for sharing this site with me. I am so glad that I have met you! Although I wished it were under different circumstances. My brother and Dougie I am sure are sitting at the feet of Jesus with the biggest grins in all the world...they are exac ly were they wanted to be. Love you hon! Tami -- Jasons Big Sister - 2/18/71 - 1/29/00

Alice - 07/25/00 16:56:42
My Email:salicescot@aol.com

I just saw your lovely web page dedicated to your handsome son. The rainbows you managed to photograph are just wonderful, give you a wonderful feeling that maybe a wish had been answered. I hope that this journey that you did not chose to go on will be eased by others on the same road, we can walk it together, we do not have to be islands. Love. Alice

Alex & Melissa - 07/21/00 17:25:15

We think you did a great job on your web page. We enjoyed seeing your pictures, it was very touching!

Joanne Tucciarone - 07/17/00 19:02:21
My Email:joanne.tucciarone@pharma.com

Incredibly beautiful, Lisa. GREAT JOB!!! The site made me feel like I knew Doug. Joanne

Carol LaBonte - 06/20/00 00:33:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pines/4300
My Email:labonte@ivprog.com

Lisa, You are doing a great job on your site! I came by to meet your precious son, Douglas. He sure was a handsome young man! I know he would be very proud of you! Love, Carol (Ricky's Mom Forever!)

Alina - 06/17/00 03:44:19

My prayer for your family is peace. God Bless you all!!

Bob and Lynda - 06/15/00 21:38:36
My Email:boblyn@lineone.net

We found your site through POS, it is a lovely site. Sorry that you had reason to join POS as well. You have done a lovely tribute to Douglas. We lost our son Darren by suicide on 31st Aug 98, he was 19 yrs 8 mths old. His picture is on the POS website. Bob and

Mary P - 06/07/00 18:07:23
My Email:mpummell@loganrec.com

Dear Lisa, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son Doug. Both of my sons had been in the Navy, and I always was so proud of the way they looked in their uniforms - Doug looks so handsome in his uniform. I know how much you love him and miss him. Just know that his love continues for you, your husband and his siblings. Love never dies. Your site is very beautiful, and a wonderful way to keep Doug's memory alive.

Misty - 05/28/00 04:21:55
My Email:Never_On_Time@webtv.net

This is a very beautiful site. You have done a wonderfu job. Thank you for sending the address to me. Misty

Dawne Gerhart - 04/01/00 07:25:21
My Email:Toonces@prodigy.net

Pam referred me to your page. I am glad that you can be her friend in her time of special need and that she is yours.

Pam - 04/01/00 03:02:50
My Email:balder@acwn.com

Lisa, What a beautiful web site. You are in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

bergen - 03/30/00 22:53:27

I'm so sorry about Doug. I wish I would have jnown somehow and that I at least could have properly told him goodbye.

Kathy Lane - 02/05/00 16:42:35
My Email:my2boys@essex1.com

Lisa: Terri Rollinson told me of your loss. I remember all the times you told me of your children and how proud you were of them. I know that Doug is in a better place. I no longer live in Centralia since Mitch and I split but I hope to be able to talk to yo on line. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Irma Smith - 01/29/00 04:37:50
My URL:http://ijms1
My Email:ijms1@yahoo.com

Hi Lisa, The pictures of Doug are great. We all loved him so much. My heart aches for you. May God give you peace and strength to carry on. Irma Smith(Matts Grandma)

Terri Rollinson - 01/29/00 03:05:41
My Email:jrtr85@midwest.net

Hi Lisa and Neil, If you ever need anything...just ask. Matthew and I will always be here for you and your family. Terri

Bob - 01/27/00 02:46:22
My URL:http://LD.net/?posvol
My Email:PosVol@hotmail.com

It has been almost a year since we met online. I'm glad we did. I treasure the brief online relationship that I had with Doug. I will carry something from it to other relationships both online and in person. Thanks for sharing him with me. Call or em il me any time.

June - 01/24/00 03:53:03

Lisa, your memorial page to Douglas is beautiful!

- 01/24/00 03:42:18


Joey - 01/21/00 19:53:57
My Email:gman451@aol.com

God bless you Lisa. Your webpage is wonderful. I am from road2healing and you and I will become friends soon. Please know that we are there for whatever you need. Praying for us all,,,,,,,,,,,Joey

Treya Sayad - 01/21/00 19:10:22
My Email:magstersayad5@hotmail.com

Sorry about your son. I am a R2H'er. I lost my son's father (ex-boyfriend) to suicide a year ago. Beautiful page, good poems. Did you lose someone to drinking and driving, or is that a cause you are passionate about? Good luck and I'll see you in R2H

Judy - 01/21/00 17:52:13
My Email:EnadgRbs@aol.com

Dearest Lisa, Your home page is so beautiful! Douglas is so handsome and dignified in his Navy Uniform. You have so much to be proud of. Thankyou for sharing with me and my family. Love, Judy

Pat Green - 01/10/00 23:12:43
My Email:pbcgreen@midwest.net

Lisa, Our sympathy goes out to you and your family during this recent loss. Just rember all the good memories you have had with Doug. If you need anything day or night just call me. My prayers have been with you and yours since I heard of the loss. rayers are with you, Pat

Tami Tillman - 01/09/00 23:30:07
My Email:tami_tillman@hotmail.com


Tommy - 01/04/00 14:05:53
My Email:trobins5@bellsouth.net

Lisa, just viewed the latest entries .they are exceptional nice. Was so sorry to hear of your loss. Remember God is still able to handle things even when in the midst of tradegy we can not see his guiding or reason for events happening. Gos still loves yo and your family and you will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers. If I can do anything please let me know Tommy

Lorraine - 01/04/00 01:43:28
My Email:lpcount@earthlink.net

Even though I don't know you, I do know you through my sister June, and we are all sisters in Christ. My prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time in your lives. Lean on Jesus, He will always be there for you and bring you comfort. "I ill be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5

Ruth Kent - 01/04/00 01:37:46

Lisa--my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Vivian Kelly - 01/03/00 14:20:13
My Email:native1@accessus.net

Lisa, My heart goes out to you and your family. You will be in my prayers. There are no words that are adequate, but you are in my thoughts. Love Vivian

Vicki Cummins - 01/03/00 02:16:35
My Email:bc3506@accessus.net

Dear Lisa and Family, I am so sorry to here about the tragedy that has taken place....my thoughts and prayers are with you....It is so hard to lose a loved one especially so young in life....god knows no age...he obivously had a special plan for Doug...Keep your faith in God a d turn to him...hes there for you...all my thoughts and prayers are with you... Vicki

Cindy Shopinski - 01/03/00 00:26:40
My Email:johnshop@midwest.net

Lisa, My prayers and thoughts are with you. Let me know if you need anything. Stay safe, lean on friends for strenght. Cindy

Loretta - 01/03/00 00:15:53
My Email:moto1@accessus.net

Lisa & Family: There are no words one could ever say to explain such things but just remember God has special plans for Doug and he is in a much better and peacefull place now. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

eric yin - 07/05/99 19:43:01
My Email:ericyin@mdi.ca

Your homepage is pretty cool. I like it. keep updating! your reply is appreciated.

Leyla - 04/08/99 18:25:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TheTropics/Paradise/2735/
My Email:ladyballplayer@excite.com

I like you page. I especially like the black and white photo. Pretty cool. Stop by and check out my site when you have a chance and be sure to sign in!

Sherry-kay - 02/11/99 22:17:14
My URL:http://www.geocities/Heartland/Hollow/5441/
My Email:sherry@ioa.com

Wow, I wish I would have took time to check out your page sooner. I am impressed. Thanks for the great visit and I'll be back. Take a peek at the other page I'm doing. May God continue to hold your Family in His Hands.

Bob - 02/02/99 22:49:38
My URL:http://LD.net/6.9/posvol
My Email:PosVol@hotmail.com

It was good meeting you. Drop by again sometime. Bob

Susan-Marina - 11/11/98 17:16:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/thetropics/paradise9166

hi..i stumbled by your little spot on the web. i was really impressed--good job!

Flemming Rasbak - 07/10/98 07:34:49
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TheTropics/Paradise/2872/
My Email:flemming.rasbak@intercity.dk

Hi Neighbour. Nice homepage. As a new member and beginner in homepage constructing i'm looking for ideas, and I specially liked the slideshow effects.

Andy Kay - 06/25/98 11:19:44
My Email:andyk@fls.infi.net

ICQ#9156978 (A friend of Lisa from ICQ) Excellent job! You should be proud of yourself!

Gwen - 06/21/98 04:39:19
My Email:amaglio@snet.net

Cool page Lisa talk to you soon take care

Bill - 06/18/98 01:18:18
My Email:BillBlake55@mailexcite.com

Lisa, we connected on ICQ random chat wednesday night.. thanks for finding me, you are a sweet and a wise woman.. and pretty attractive, too :)) i'm pleased to make your acquaintance and i love your page, it shows your depth and though fulness... Bill *

June - 06/11/98 21:34:52
My Email:jetcat@accessus.net

Your green page is really cool! Love the effects.

mike michael - 06/11/98 14:28:27
My Email:empirico@cytanet.com.cy

so far its o.k..the sad music regarding the lost child personally ue to personal reasons i dont like it..it brings me bad memories..good job overall and finish it please..

June - 06/10/98 03:33:25
My Email:jetcat@accessus.net

Looking GOOD, girl. Love the woman construction worker! Sam's pic looks good like that! But my favorite just has to be the green page!!! Later!

June - 06/08/98 04:53:03
My Email:jetcat@accessus.net

Hey, looking good! See ya in am.

Clancy & Aunt Norma - 06/08/98 00:42:58
My Email:clancy@midwest.net

Nice web page! A lighter background would make it easier to read the text. Nice thoughts and nice Sam.

skwj - 06/07/98 22:17:36
My Email:skwj@accessus.net

Really Cool!! Keep up the good work! Sandi

joejoe - 06/07/98 15:55:41
My Email:joejoe@nwohio.com


Great start Lisa, I'll be back to watch your page grow and bloom

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