
Douglas M. Jackson United States Navy 1981-2000

In a final moment you were gone
And with your departure a hole in my heart
Has been burned so deep that no one can fix
I only feel an emptyness and an ache
That I know that you would not want me to have
My perfect little boy who grew into such
A wonderful, sensitive and kind young man
I know that you are happy now
All of your sorrows and torments of life are gone
But only you see the goodness now
Which was all you'd ever seen
I love you my son and I know
That you are in the arms of God
Who will hold you and take care of you son
Now that I cannot . . . I love you son and you
Will always be in my heart and in the arms of the angels
I love you, MOM

This was my oldest son who left for the navy on July 25, 1999 which was his 18th birthday. He did not realize but this is one of every mom's fears having their child leave home and he was protecting our country for you and me. I am very proud of the young man that he became. He represented all of the sailors who are protecting our country they deserve special respect. He was doing something special and not sitting around wasting his time I am very proud of my son. Even though his life ended in such a tragic way . . . and may you always know that God is watching over you. Love Mom.

I also want to thank everyone who has been so kind during this time of trial and tribulation. I hope that none of you ever have this in your life, but I hope for those that do I may be of some comfort to you, as all of you have been to me and my family. May God bless every one of you and protect you and your children daily.


Douglas died from suicide on 1-1-00 he was totally against drinking and driving. I hope that you too will follow his beliefs about not drinking while you drive.


Death of an Innocent Child
I went to a party mom

I remembered what you said
you told me not to drink mom
so I drank a soda instead
I felt very proud inside mom
the way you said I would
I didn’t drink mom
even though my friends said I should
I knew I did the right thing mom
I know you’re always right
Now the party’s finally ending mom
as everyone drives out of site
As I get into my car mom
I knew I’d get home in one piece
Because of the way you raised me
mom, so responsible and so sweet
I started to pull away mom
as I pulled out into the road
the other car didn’t see me mom
It hit me like a load.
As I lay here on the pavement
I hear the police man say
the other guy was drunk mom
and now I have to pay
I’m lying here dying mom
I wish you’d get here soon
how come this happened to me mom
my life busted like a balloon
There is blood all around me mom
most of it is mine
I hear the paramedics say mom
I’ll die in a short time
I just wanted to tell you mom
I swear I didn’t drink
it was all the others mom
the others didn’t think
He didn’t know were he was going mom
he was probably at the same party as I
the only difference is mom
------he drank-------
now I have to die
Why do people drink mom?

it can ruin your whole life
I’m feeling the sharp pains now mom
pains just like a knife
The guy who hit me is walking mom,
I don’t call that fair
I’m lying here dying mom
all I can do is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry mom
tell daddy to be brave
and when I’m in heaven mom
put “Daddy’s Baby” on my grave.
Someone should have told him mom
not to drink and drive
If only they could have taken the time mom
I’d still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter mom
I’m becoming very scared
please don’t cry for me mom
cause when I needed you
you were always there
I have one last question mom
before I say good-bye
I didn’t drink mom
Why do I have to die?
This is the end mom
I wish I could see you, look
into your eyes
To say these final worlds mom
“I love you and Goodbye”
Author unknown
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DOUG'S Family

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