Welcome to my Guestbook!

Marcia - 12/05/00 03:35:19
My URL:http://www.wosib.faithweb.com
State: michigan

Greetings! You are cordially invited to join Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty! We are an online organization for women of all kinds, to come together, to live, laugh and learn. I think you and your lovely site would be a wonderful addition! We'd love for you to join us! If you're not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our awards program, free graphic sets and much more! (http://www.wosib.faithweb.com)

Pat - 10/12/00 03:24:38
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~wildangel2
My Email:wildangel2@earthlink.net
State: Virginia ( VA. BEACH)

Just dropping in to say hello to a LOTH sister. I have enjoyed my visit with you and would like to invite you to stop by my site when you have the time. Visit `WildAngel's Home Page

Laura - 10/09/00 20:35:59
My URL:http://www.lauragriffin.net
My Email:laura@lauragriffin.net
State: Virginia

Hi Kim! I loved your site and was so excited to see such a talented LOTH sister in my own city! I just found the list of sisters in my region so I decided to pay a vist! The Bird Picture is fantastic! Hugs, Laura

Laura - 10/09/00 20:33:58
My URL:http://www.lauragriffin.net
My Email:laura@lauragriffin.net
State: Virginia

Hi Kim! I loved your site and was so excited to see such a talented LOTH sister in my own city! I just found the list of sisters in my region so I decided to pay a vist! The Bird Picture is fantastic! Hugs, Laura

Ann - 08/03/00 02:20:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/annguy30/
My Email:Annguy39@aol.com
State: Va.

I have truly enjoyed your site. I can tell that you have worked very hard to have such a nice home here. Thank you for your nice visit.

Hollie - 06/26/00 04:20:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/creek/5551/index.html
My Email:hollie64@hotmail.com
State: West Virginia

You have a really interesting website. Your hours of work and patience show throughout your site. Thank you for sharing this with me.

KEVIN - 05/31/00 14:15:39
State: VA


Larry Wiginton - 03/22/00 02:48:43
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~wigintonl
My Email:wigintonl@earthlink.net
State: Georgia

Ever hear the story about the guy's first date where his dad planted a bra in the back seat? It happened to me, and I wrote the story! If you want to read the whole story, send me an email.

Bob Arm - 01/16/00 17:26:25
My Email:rarm1@hotmail.com
State: Delaware

Hi, I t was a pleasure chatting with you..... even though was interrupted twice,,,,once by resident ..then by patient... Hope to chat some more,,, Bob

Roger Baillargeon - 12/12/99 20:19:40
My Email:roger.baillargeon2@sympatico.ca
State: quebec canada

from your old frend internet roger from st gabriel canada in snow places

Inge Sehlin - 10/31/99 12:17:15
My Email:inge.sehlin@swipnet.se
State: Gothenburg, Sweden

I enjoyed your work, both poetry and webdesign. IŽll be back.

Walking Dude - 10/02/99 01:38:38
My Email:superspook@home.com
State: Virginia

LOL...I guess I'll just tell ya now...since we're chatting in the same room LOL

John Inman - 08/04/99 00:28:15
My Email:johninman@ddaccess.com
State: Norfolk, VA

Read some of you poetry. Impressive. I really enjoyed reading your work.

Mila - 12/28/98 01:39:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Coffeehouse/7019
My Email:miladydaniel@hotmail.com
State: TN

Your poetry is very moving, and I really loved seeing your artworks! Especially the horses! Love and Light to you from a LOTH sis, Mila:)

Natale Williams - 12/11/98 19:08:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~natalewilliams
My Email:natalewilliams@yahoo.com
State: California

What a beautiful site you have. It is obvious that you have put in a lot of time and effort into it. Thank you for creating such a lovely site, and from one LOTH sister to another, have a wonderful holiday!

Margo DiPatri - 11/21/98 17:31:44
My URL:http://users.snip.net~margo/home.htm
My Email:margo@snip.net
State: NJ (Southern)

Hi, Kim, should have put this here first, but didn't know that Geocites had one. Sorry :o( Lot's of luck with your page. You are a great person and I'm very glad that we met.

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