God's Representative: Elisha
              Youth’s Instructor--April 14, 1898

         The attention of Elijah was attracted to Elisha, the son of
         Shaphat, who with the servants was plowing with twelve yoke of
         oxen. He was educator, director, and worker. Elisha did not live
         in the thickly populated cities. His father was a tiller of the
         soil, a farmer. Far from city and court dissipation, Elisha had
         received his education. He had been trained in habits of
         simplicity, of obedience to his parents and to God. Thus in
         quietude and contentment he was prepared to do the humble work
         of cultivating the soil. But though of a meek and quiet spirit,
         Elisha had no changeable character. Integrity and fidelity and
         the love and fear of God were his. He had the characteristics of
         a ruler, but with it all was the meekness of one who would
         serve. His mind had been exercised in the little things, to be
         faithful in whatsoever he should do; so that if God should call
         him to act more directly for him, he would be prepared to hear
         his voice.

         The surroundings of Elisha's home were those of wealth; but he
         realized that in order to obtain an all-round education, he must
         be a constant worker in any work that needed to be done. He had
         not consented to be in any respect less informed than his
         father's servants. He had learned how to serve first, that he
         might know how to lead, instruct, and command.

         Elisha waited contentedly, doing his work with fidelity. Day by
         day, through practical obedience and the divine grace in which
         he trusted, he obtained rectitude and strength of purpose. While
         doing all that he possibly could in co-operating with his father
         in the home firm, he was doing God's service. He was learning
         how to co-operate with God.
                                                                                          Mrs. E. G. White.

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