Our Daily Preparation
                                           by Laura Davis

                        On my desk in front of me, I read my daily thought from Kim
                        Anderson…"Our hearts feed on love and joy."  Right away I notice
                        something is missing! Not only do our hearts feed on love and
                        joy, they are nourished by prayer and Bible study, which
                        actually are the two things that give us pure love and unending

                        Often I find myself depressed or sad, discontented, and afraid
                        of the future. Finally I will realize that I had missed my daily
                        prep. time with God that morning!  I’ve slowly learned that
                        strength comes only from this positive and up-building time in
                        my day.  Everything always turns out much rosier…I’ve got
                        positive thoughts, lots of love to give away, and praise filling
                        my heart. I often forget about the future, realizing that it’s
                        all in God’s hands and He will bring about greater things in my
                        life than even I could dream of!

                        Sometimes we begin to depend on our ‘morning reunions’ as a time
                        of ‘getting’ (fortifying ourselves against the devil’s tricks
                        and increasing the stability in our lives), and we easily forget
                        how much God loves to commune with us! He waits for us to come
                        to Him and rejoices in our devotion. He gave and still gives so
                        much of Himself; it must make it all worthwhile to have one of
                        His chosen children praise Him, thank Him, and come to Him with
                        a listening ear.

                        Once I heard it said, "If prayer is the breath of the soul, then
                        praise must be laughter!" There is quite a difference between
                        breathing and laughing. Breathing is a calm, rhythmic action,
                        meditative rather than excited, concentrated on filling our
                        lives with vigor.  It’s a good comparison…prayer fills our lives
                        in a calm way with life force from heaven. Now, if praise is
                        like laughing, it’s almost the opposite of prayer…you are
                        agitated and full of vivacity and enthusiasm. Our attitude to
                        prayer should be serious…after all, we are in direct
                        communication with the Lord. It’s a time of stillness and a time
                        of listening and meditation. God speaks to us in the quiet and
                        reminds us of our need. Prayer is our stronghold; our means of
                        strength, growth and wisdom from our Father. Having this
                        communication is our greatest blessing.

                        In my life, prayer is very important. My first purpose in prayer
                        is "not to get, but rather to be"(Richard O'Ffill in
                        Transforming Prayer). Prayer is communicating with God my
                        need for His power and wisdom in my life. The other evening, I
                        was remembering what my prayer life used to be like. When I was
                        about 10 years old, I would have horrible dreams usually with
                        bears chasing me, or fire consuming our home. I made it a habit
                        to pray every evening that God would ‘take all my bad dreams
                        away, Amen’. That would be it! Mine was a prayer of faith, but
                        not many words.  Now, prayer takes me beyond human wisdom and
                        reasoning…it gives me a connection with Someone who can make me
                        into the person He had in mind all along. "You shaped me before
                        I was born; you put my bones together while I was still in my
                        mother’s womb. You saw my unformed body inside the womb. You
                        knew how long I would live even before I was born."  Psalm
                        139:13,16 Clear Word Paraphrase It’s the only way I can
                        tell Him that I surrender my plans and dreams to Him. It’s the
                        way I let Him know my choice…commitment.

                        The Word of God is powerful. Most of the time God speaks to us
                        through His word. Prayer may be the life-giving oxygen in
                        our lives, but Bible study is the ever-flowing blood in a
                        Christian! The Bible gives us counsel, reproof, love,
                        instruction, peace, wisdom, everything we need for life and
                        godliness. This amazing book is actually a letter from our
                        Father...He wrote it to help us live for Him. His purpose in
                        writing it was to teach us His pathway, in the hopes that we
                        will follow it and meet Him someday in Heaven!

                        I have found it very difficult at times to get started in the
                        Bible...I always wonder where to start and how to get the insights
                        that I need right now. It’s such a big book; you never know
                        where your answer will pop up. So, I’ve found that the first
                        step to entering into this castle of knowledge is to ask Jesus
                        to be my guide. I ask Him to send the Holy Spirit to help me
                        notice special details and to make them fit me personally. As I
                        explore, I search for things explaining what God, and His son
                        Jesus are like. A few days ago, I was outside with my dad. He
                        was talking about one of the rams…it has a hot temperament and
                        is often rude to the others. He said he’d kill it for no other
                        reason than it’s bad attitude. Immediately I realized how
                        unloving we are compared to God. "He is a God who defends and
                        guides His children, doing whatever is necessary to draw them to
                        Him." (Tamyra Horst in A Woman Of Worth). Other times, I
                        read about people like Moses, Joseph, and Esther, amazed at the
                        way God lead them through all kinds of difficulty and trial, but
                        they kept continually close to Him. The number one thing that
                        has made Bible study more meaningful to me is taking everything
                        it says as a personal message to me. All the texts expressing
                        God’s love and understanding, I take to heart, knowing that He
                        meant for me to read them. Reading the Bible will become much
                        more interesting, because "it will be like a personal letter
                        from a father or lover." (Carrol Shewmake in Sensing His
                        Presence, Hearing His Voice).

                        Studying the Bible has given me a lot of encouragement in my
                        spiritual walk with God. I have learned to follow His counsel
                        and depend on His wisdom. I used to worry a lot about my future
                        and how I could prepare for the future roles I would take. I
                        have since decided to leave it in God’s hands and rest in His
                        promises. After all, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor can
                        we even imagine the things that God has prepared for those that
                        love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Not just in Heaven, but down here
                        on earth too. His plan for me is unbelievable, and each day He
                        is working in me "to will and to do of His good pleasure."
                        Philippians 2:13

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