It's a whole new world down there. Scuba diving is an amazing sport. It has enough thrill and excitement to interest the adventurous, yet is very safe and peaceful. You get to experience and see things that most people will never see in person. And it gives you a good excuse to go to beautiful exotic places with your friends.

Lots of people (like parents especially) wonder if scuba diving is dangerous. The thought of being down deep in the ocean and having something go wrong can be pretty scary. But the facts are that scuba diving only about as dangerous as swimming. The reason scuba is so safe is because several organizations have been founded to provide instruction to new divers. Becoming a "certified" diver is best way to dive safely, since you will learn about all the factors involved. The Open Water course will teach you how to use scuba gear, the principles of physics and anatomy that apply to diving, and how to deal with them.

Here are some links if you want to learn more about scuba diving.

Dive Organizations
Utah Diving Info
Divers Network - A page for scuba divers in Utah.
Neptune Divers - A good dive shop in Salt Lake City.
Rodales's Scuba Diving
Scuba Times

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