My Wonderful School Days in BPU

Twenty years ago, I got into BPU and study Physics with my 35 classmates. First half year, we were in the West Campus, lived in a dorm room with 20 people, eat in small groups(Bao(1) Huo(2)) in the basement of our dorm. About the "Huo Shi" fee, we pay around $14 a month in advance. We moved into main campus in east of Beijing in the fall of 1978. I had six roommates with the age from 20 to over 30 -- two of them are regular smokers. We all got into BPU with a big surprise to our families and ourselves because we didn't dare to dream to get into a college even one year ago(early summer of 1977).

During four school years in BPU, we gained a lot in both academic areas and personal life. At the beginning of 1982, we were ready to get into society. We as class of 77(about 500 students) donated a braze plate to our new library of BPU. We didn't get a chance to get into this library before our graduation since it was not finished at that time.

I revisit BPU many times. Every time I find something new -- new buildings, new faces, and a bigger campus. My last visit was at the end of 1997 -- I could not find the front door of BPU. It has been changed a lot in pass ten years! It is becoming the first class university around the world.

The years of study in BPU has given me all the knowledge and the skills for the further exploring and career developing. It also brings me a good luck with a good career and a happy family. 

My Family
Visit BPU in 1997

Classmates in 1981
  In front of old BPU library (in 1981)

Links related to BPU(Beijing Polytechnic University):

  1. BPUers on the Net
  2. BPU home page