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Hello there and thank you for taking the time to visit

My name is Kenny Silke and I am 24 years old. I am an Applied Computing degree graduate from the Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) since November 2002. I spent four years studying Computing at the LYIT from September 1998 to May 31st 2002.

Since I graduated from the LYIT in November 2002, I have been fortunate in finding employment in areas such as computer maintenance, software maintenance (on local supermarket stock systems), website-design, computer consultancy work, office administration, teaching computer courses and finally providing grinds in programming and web-design. At present, I am currently contract employed on a contract basis in the Department of Education and Science in a section called 'Special Education 1'.

As you work through this web-site, you will find out plenty about me, my work criteria, lessons, tutorials, teaching activites including grinds, samples of my work (including web-sites and software code (C, C++, Visual Basic and a little Java)), hobbies and of course my Curriculum Vitae.

Finally, I hope that this site will be of benefit to you so feel free to e-mail me with suggestions or queries that you feel are necessary and I will reply to you ASAP. Watch out for regular updates. There will be plenty available on this site over the coming months.

Enjoy ... Kenny