Learn Bahasa Malaysia

Malaysia's National Language

Our National language is called Bahasa Malaysia. Bahasa itself means language. In this page, I will introduce simple Malay words and sentences to those who are interested to learn a little about our language.
To read Bahasa Malaysia is very easy. Just follow these phonetical sounds.
a to sound like "aaa" as in UGLY
e to sound like the "e" in BERT
i to sound like "ee" as in GREET
o to sound like the "o" in OK
u to sound like "oo" as in BOOT
sy to sound like "sh" as in SHOOT
c to sound like "ch" as in CHAIN

saya = I
dia = he/she
mereka = they
kita = we
kami = we
kamu/awak = you
Apa khabar ? = How are you ?
Khabar baik = Fine
selamat datang = welcome
selamat pagi = good morning
selamat petang = good afternoon
selamat malam = goodnight/good evening
terima kasih = thank you
sama-sama = you're welcome
suka = like
cinta = love (used as in I love you for lovers)
sayang = love (used for all)
benci = hate
pergi = go
mari = come
datang dari = come from
sampai/tiba = reach (as in destination or time)
berapa ... = how (long etc)
berapa harga = how much
kereta = car
kapal terbang = plane
kapal = boat/ship
keretapi = train
bas = bus
jalan = walk
lari = run
duduk = sit
berdiri = stand
bangun = wake up
tidur = sleep
nak/hendak = want
ke = to
makan = eat
minum = drink
lapar = hungry
kenyang = full (stomach)
dahaga/haus = thirsty
apa = what
cantik = beautiful
hodoh = ugly
baik = good
jahat = bad
menari = dance
mana = where
sini = here
sana = there
ingin = wish
dari = from
lama = long
baju = shirt/dress
seluar = pants
sejuk = cold
panas = hot
mahu = want
tak mahu = don't want
gembira = happy
sedih = sad
cakap = say/talk
diam = quiet
bising = noisy
ini = this
itu = that
semua = all
kalau = if

satu = 1
dua = 2
tiga = 3
empat = 4
lima = 5
enam = 6
tujuh = 7
lapan = 8
sembilan = 9
sepuluh = 10

Numbers 11-19 (they all start with the name of the unit number and just add a "belas" at the back. Examples are below. Try the rest yourself.
sebelas = 11
dua belas = 12
tiga belas = 13
empat belas = 14
lima belas = 15

Numbers 20-29/30-39 and so on starts with the name of the unit number and followed by "puluh" which means tenths and then the name of the unit number of the last digit. Examples are below. Try the rest yourself too.

dua puluh satu = 21
dua puluh dua = 22
dua puluh tiga = 23
dua puluh empat = 24

tiga puluh satu = 31
tiga puluh dua = 32

seratus = 100


Selamat datang ke Malaysia, Mary. = Welcome to Malaysia, Mary.
Bila kamu tiba ? = When did you arrive ?
Mari kita pergi makan. = Let us go to eat.
Kamu nak pergi ke mana ? = Where do you want to go ?
Saya ingin pergi ke Pulau Pinang. = I wish to go to Pulau Pinang.
Kamu datang dari mana ? = Where do you come from ?
Saya datang dari England. = I come from England.
Berapa lama kamu akan di sini ? = How long will you be here ?
Berapa harga baju ini ? = How much is this shirt/dress ?

Feel free to e-mail me if you wish to learn so more. You can try to make simple sentences yourself using the words I've listed above. I will be adding in more.

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