Month 8
March 1 - March 31, 1999

Mar. 1 ~ Mar. 7 ~ This week wasn't too bad. I'm getting used to the meds again and still am sleeping rather well. I'm only waking up about once a night and only on shot night so far. My appetite is starting to wan again, but I'm hoping it won't disappear. (back to the fruit filled milk shakes!) My headaches are back with a vengance and I'm finding myself more and more out of breath as I try to climb the stairs. I've had a bit of nausea but only slightly and not too often. The diarrhea is kicking back up again too. I've noticed my sinisitis has kicked back up too.
The biggest problem is getting the meds. There seems to be a shortage of Rebetron, although HOW this could be is beyond me! I am not getting the pen now, and I hate these darn syringes. Back to purple legs! All in all, I'd say things are back to 'normal' for my treatment.

Mar. 8 ~ Mar. 14 ~ I've noticed my headaches are real nasty. If I remember right, they were real bad in the beginning of treatment last year too. I'm hoping they will ease up. No nausea yet and even the diarrhea has been very minimal! My brain fog is getting worse again too. It had gotten better towards the end of the year, but now its back in full force. Luckily, my family is used to my brain not working!

Mar. 15 ~ Mar. 21 ~ This was a pretty smooth week until the end of it. Our neighbor had her twins, 2 months early, so I have been watching their 3 yr old boy while they are at the hospital with the babies. He is a great kid and no problem though. I'm also packing for our Washington DC trip. Can't wait for that one. We will be gone from Mar. 26 through April 4. Hopefully, we can get Congress to appropriate more funds for research.
The fatigue is getting to me. I feel like I need to sleep all the time anymore. I'm glad I'm not having the insomnia though. My appetite has been real good and the diarrhea has eased up alot. So far, I haven't lost any more weight, which is a good thing too!

Mar. 22 ~ Mar. 28 ~ This was a hectic week. I got everything packed and didn't forget anything for once! I made a list! I was so busy getting ready to go, that the sides didn't bother me too much at all. We spent the weekend at Georgetown University for the HFI Conference and it is a beautiful place. We were much too busy for any sides to bother me and we did quite a bit of walking so that helped too. I actually slept good too! Maybe I should move to a hotel! hahaha

Mar. 29 ~ Mar. 31 ~ I crashed and burned on Monday afternoon. Its usually my best day, but with all the activity all weekend I just pooped out finally. The conference was constant go-go-go for 2 days and the information was fantastic! I met alot of wonderful people who I talk to on the net so it was great to put faces to some of the email and message board names. I can't wait to go again next year! HFI put on a terrific conference. The only drawback - the House & Senate had gone home for Easter break! We did talk to their aides though so hopefully they will convey our pleas for more funding! With the conference over, we spent the rest of the time being tourists!!

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