Source: Pukui, Mary Kawena & Elbert, Samuel H., Hawaiian Dictionary, Revised and Enlarged Edition, University Of Hawai`i Press, Honolulu, 1986.

Root Words of Aloha


Front, face, presence


Prefix, perhaps short for lo`o, to obtain


Affection, love, greeting; to greet, show joyous affection or friendship, joy:

Spreading as vines; thriving; to grow lush.

To breathe, exhale; to breathe upon, as kava after praying and before prognosticating; breath, life.

Four, fourth. Hâ and multiples of four are sacred or formulistic numbers.

Stalk that supports the leaf and enfolds the stem of certain plants, as taro, sugar cane.

Trough, ditch, sluice.


Aloha ahiahi


Good evening

aloha `âina


love of the land or of one's country, patriotism.

aloha akua


love of god; divine love, pity, charity

aloha ali`i


royalist, royal love

aloha hoahânau



aloha `ia


beloved, pitied

Aloha `ino!


What a pity! Alas!
(An expression of regret, either great or small)

Aloha kakahiaka


Good morning

Aloha kâkou


May there be love / friendship among us, greetings to more than two persons.

Aloha kâua


May there be love / friendship between us, greetings to one person.

aloha lua


name given to the kamole plant in hana aloha sorcery. Lit., mutual love.

aloha makua


considerate and thoughtful of parents and elders, filial.

Aloha `oe


May you be loved or greeted, greetings to you (one person).

aloha `ole


pitiless, merciless, ungrateful, without love or affection.

Aloha pumehana


Warm aloha, affection

hana aloha


Love magic; to practice love magic.



to make love, express affection, gratitude or compassion; expression of love or affection; to give thanks; loving, lovable.

Ke aloha nô!


Aloha! Greetings!

Lâ Ho`âlohaloha


Thanksgiving Day

Me ke aloha


With love

mea aloha


loved one, beloved

`O wau iho nô me ke aloha


I remain, with very best regards

palapala ho`âlohaloha


written condolence


  For more Aloha pages:

Aloha: What is It?

A Glossary of Words of Aloha
(English to Hawaiian)

`Ôlelo No`eau (Proverbs & Poetical Sayings): Aloha

Let Me Call You Sweetheart...

More Terms of Endearment

Nâ Lila Aloha / Love Lyrics

Hawaiian Valentine's Mini-Lesson

Valentine's Candy Mini-Lesson


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Aloha a hui hou, Leilani