Combat: Physical

NOTE: Fractions are rounded DOWN

Combat is done in rounds. Each round consists of 10 seconds during which each
character present may perform one action. Parrying, dodging and entangling do
not count as actions during a round of combat. It is assumed the character 
can do these things effortlessly without thinking. Counterstrikes do, however
use up an action. If so desired, a character may use two actions in one 
round, however, he/she will have no actions the next round. This does not 
mean he/she can take 5 actions one round and have none for the next 4 rounds.
Actions can only be transferred one at a time. This is useful for situations
in which you find you have used your action for this round, but you wish to 
counterstrike an incoming attack.

Step-By-Step Combat Round

1. Attacker rolls strike (1d100) + bonuses/penalties. Remember this number
     because it must be referred to the damage chart later.

2. Defender rolls parry/dodge/entangle/etc (1d100) + bonuses/penalties.
     Parry = Defend using a weapon, or block an attack.
     Dodge = Move out of the way of an attack.
     Entangle = Grab an opponent's weapon or lock it with your own.
     Counter Strike = Attack an opponent at the same time he attacks you.

3. Higher roll wins

4. If successful, attacker deals damage. Damage is unique for each weapon. A 
   punch or kick does 1. This damage is also modified by the attacker's 
   original strike roll. See damage chart.

5. Defender subtracts defense bonus (determined by Toughness) from damage if 
     the strike roll was outside the range of the armor he is wearing, if 

6. Defender subtracts damage from current HP if the attack missed the armor,
     or from the armor's HP if it struck the armor.

Damage Chart
Roll    Bonus        
----    -----   
01-10    Lose weapon / 0 damage     
11-25    -50%     
26-75     0
76-90    +50%
91-00    +100%

These are natural rolls excluding bonuses.
Negative damage is NOT possible. Anything less than 0 is 0.
If an attacker rolls 01-10, the defender does not need to roll for defense.


Strike - Attack an opponent. Counts as an action.
Parry - Block an attack. To suceed, beat attacker's roll. May be done an
        unlimited number of times per round.
Dodge - Move out of the way of an attack. To suceed, beat attacker's roll.
        May be done an unlimited number of times per round.
Entangle - Grab an opponent's weapon or arm. To suceed, beat attacker's roll.
           If sucessful, at each of the entangled person's actions, both 
           players roll 1d100 using their Damage skill as a modifier. If the
           entangled person wins, he/she breaks free. If not, he/she doesn't.
           An entangler may try to disarm the opponent once entangled.
           To do this, he/she must beat 1.5 x the opponent's roll.
Counterstrike - Counterstrikes count as your action for the round. To use, 
                declare counterstrike when opponent makes an attack. If 
                his/her strike roll beats your counter roll, his/her attack
                hits and yours doesn't. If your roll beat his/hers but is 
                below (1.5 x attacker's roll), both hits connect. If yours
                beat his/hers by more than (1.5 x attacker's roll), then your
                hit connects and his doesn't.
Fierce Punches/Kicks - If attacker is unarmed and using punches and/or kicks,
                       he/she may declare a Fierce before making a strike 
                       roll. This means he/she will subtract 20 from the roll
                       but add 1 to the damage of the attack. If the GM
                       allows, this may be done with melee weapons as well.
Defense Roll - A dodge, parry, entangle, or counterstrike roll.
Armor Range - The set of strike rolls which will hit the armor instead of the
              wearer. Usually: full suit - 5-95, 1/2 suit - 25-75,
              1/4 suit - 45-70

Other Rules

Initiative (optional):
I would recommend only using initiative if it is going to have a big impact 
on the combat round. For fights which are expected to be short, use it, but
otherwise, it is usually ignored. For most games, whoever says what they're
going to do first goes first, and then the next one who knows what they're
doing goes next, and so on until everyone present has made one action in the
round, and we go back to the first person again. Here are some possible ways
of determining initiative:

Method A: Each participant in the combat round rolls 1d100. Order goes from
          highest to lowest roll.

Method B: Roll 1d100 for each participant and add his/her Combat skill.

Method C: Roll 1d100 for each participant and add his/her Wit skill.

Method D: Roll 1d100 for each participant. Highest roll goes first and play
          moves clockwise around the table/room.

For each method, the GM has the choice of having everybody roll every round 
or roll once for the first round and keep the same order for the rest of the 

When trying to attack an opponent hiding behind an obstacle, the obstacle is
a form of armor. If it covers all of his/her body, he/she cannot be hit
except with counterstrike or by trying to manuver around the obstacle and hit
him/her (+20 to opponent's defense roll or more depending on situation).
If it does not cover the entire body, then treat it as an armor with the
appropriate range.

Serious Wounds:
Severely injured people (1/5 HP or mininmum of 1) are at effectively 1/2 
attributes, skills, and can only perform an action once every second round.
Also, running speed is reduced by half.

Multiple Weapons:
Characters weilding multiple weapons simultaneously (a weapon in each hand 
for example) may use both or all weapons in a simultaneous strike, however, 
it will decrease his/her parry, dodge, and entangle rolls by 20 for the rest 
of the round. If a character weilding two weapons is attacked, he/she may use 
his/her action to use one weapon to entangle or parry the attack and the 
other to strike the attacker. If he/she wishes to do this, he/she must make
two rolls: an entangle/parry roll which must beat the opponent's strike roll, 
and a strike roll which the opponent must dodge (opponent gets -50 to dodge 
if he/she is successfully entangled/parried and -20 if not).

Projectile Parry:
Projectile weapons can be used to "parry" other projectile weapons. This is
done by shooting the incoming projectile with one of your own, destroying 
both. This works for most weapons except bullets.

Weapon Destruction:
A weapons hit points is normally equal to the amount of damage it deals. If 
GM's find this unrealistic, they may impose a multiplier or assign a more
appropriate number. When a weapon reaches 0 HP, it is unusable, but
repairable. If a weapon is dealt a cumulative total of twice the damage it
deals, it is destroyed beyond repair. As an optional rule, a weapon may deal
less damage the more damage it has taken. If so, make its damage equal to its
HP (or whatever divisor the GM wishes to impose).
When parrying with a weapon, if the roll succeeds, the weapon is undamaged.
If the roll fails, the attacker has the choice of dealing damage to the 
weapon or to the defender.

Alternative Hit Point Rules:

Some campaigns rely heavily on combat. Street Fighter and Dragon Ball Z are
prime examples. Since this game normally resolves combat fairly quickly, the
rules for campaigns such as these must be altered. Instead of determining the
amount of damage a character can take by the Hit Points skill, in this system
the amount of damage withstandable by a character is determined by the Build
attribute. However, whenever a character takes damage, he/she takes two types
of damage: "Percieved" damage and "Critical" damage. The damage listed for
any weapon, attack, or power is the amount of percieved damage it deals. The
critical damage depends on the type of attack:

Normal physical attack: 1/2 the percieved is dealt in critical.

Energy attack: 1/4 the percieved is dealt in critical.

Mind-damaging attack: all the percieved is dealt in critical.

The "Hit Points" skill in this system is treated the same way as "Toughness".
The difference is that Toughness reduces percieved damage only, while Hit
Points reduces critical damage only. When a character is not engaged in
combat, his/her percieved damage recovers at a rate of (Recovery skill) HP
every minute. Percieved damage can only be recovered to the level of the
critical damage. If a character has the level 1 super power "Healing Factor",
percieved damage is recovered normally, and the Healing Factor recovers the
critical damage. In order to recover critical damage without healing factor,
characters must sleep or get medical attention. Sleep recovers damage at a
rate of (Recovery skill) HP per hour and medical attention will double this

This explains how people like Ranma, etc. can get beaten to a pulp, but the
next scene appear perfectly fine. 

"People in anime don't bleed to death, they bleed to life."
        -Dale Whitmore
