Experience points in this game are gained by the use of clever ideas or 
actions, fancy stunts or manuvers, or anything else which is difficult.
Since there are no "Experience Levels" as such in this game, exp points are
used a little differently. Although they *can* be used for permanent bonuses
and enhancements, exp points are mainly used for aiding one-time critical or
crucial actions succeed. Many times in anime and manga and a lot of other 
things, you'll see the hero do something near impossible or just *happen* to
hit a crucial point at a crucial time and thereby win the battle. Well, 
that's where exp points come into play. They can be used to modify strike
rolls, damage, super powers, etc. They allow the puny shepherd boy armed with
a slingshot and a beach stone to defeat the 9 foot tall iron-armored 
sword-weilding warrior in one shot.

How to get experience:

Action                                  Exp Gained
------                                  ----------
Exceptional role-playing                  10-40
Good idea or action                        5-30
Natural skill roll 01                       10
Natural combat roll 00                      10
Risk Life to save other                   50-100
Creative use of Bad Powers                 5-20
Fancy manuvers/attacks                       5  
  (if successful)
Difficult, fancy manuvers/attacks           10  
  (if successful)
Completeing a minor quest                 10-20
Completeing a major quest                 35-100
Doing something silly (appropriately)        2
Inventive use of equipment                 2-10
Defeating your arch nemisis               50-75

How to use experience:

Temporary Effects

Bonus                                   Exp Cost
-----                                   --------
Raise or lower any roll by 2                 1
Raise or lower any damage by 1               2
Raise or lower another's roll by 1           1
Raise or lower another's damage by 1         5
Cause an enemy to stall for 1 round         10
 (this is subject to the "Conservation
 of Firepower" law.)
Neutralize 1 L1 Bad Thing for 1 round       10
   "         L2  "    "    "      "         20
   "         L3  "    "    "      "         60
Use double efficiency Super Power for 1     
        L1                                  25
        L2                                  50
        L3                                 150
Suspend any Anime Law for 1 round           20
+1 SMP Point                                 1
+1 temporary MP                              1
Immideately use an ability you don't have   25
 enough power to use (falls unconscious
Immideately use an ability you don't have   50
 at all
Remain conscious below 0 HP                 10/rd    
Remain alive below -(Hit Points) HP         20/rd

Permanent Effects

+1 Attribute Point                          20 
+1 Skill Point                              10 
+1 Magic Point Max                          20
Learn new spell                            100
+1 SF Point added to a power the 
 character already has                      50
1 SF Point for creating a new power        100
Learn new force power                      100
Learn new minor ability                    100
Gain new super power
        L1                                 250
        L2                                 500
        L3                                1500
Remove bad thing
        L1                                 250
        L2                                 500
        L3                                1500

For permanent effects, you can't just spend 100 exp and suddenly get +5 to 
your Strength. Each attribute, each skill (not only HPs), each super power,
and everything else in this game has a current value and a max value. If a
player uses exp to boost his/her character's attributes or skills or powers,
he/she is raising the max value. In order to bring the current up to the max,
he/she must spend time in training. So, in the previous example, you could
spend 100 exp and raise your MAX strength by 5, but in order to GET it up to
max, you must work out. Or, for a mental attribute like logic, you must
spend some time alone thinking or meditating. For raising skills, the 
character must train. For learning new spells or raising Control of Element
level, you must study and experiment.

As for the permanent gaining of new super powers and the removal of bad 
things, the character must go on a quest by him/herself relating to the power 
in question. For example, if a character wants to get rid of Cold Water 
Curse, perhaps he has to go on a quest to find a magical item which removes
his/her curse. 

    Source: geocities.com/The_Anime_RPG