The following are some optional rules for the Mass Combat system...

        For both attacker and defender determine the fighting conditions,
add up the multipliers and multiply their kill value by it.
SITUATION                      ATTACKER    DEFENDER
Open Field                      x 1           x 1
High Ground in Mountains        x 3           x 3
Low Ground in Mountains         x 1/3         x 1/2
High Ground in Hills            x 2           x 2
Low Ground in Hills             x 1/2         x 2/3
Entrenched                      x 2/3         x 2
Fortified                        *             **
Dense Jungle                    x 1/3         x 1
Light Jungle                    x 1/2         x 1
Dense Forest                    x 1/2         x 1
Light Forest                    x 2/3         x 1
Village, Rural                  x 1           x 1
Village, Urban                  x 1           x 2
Town, Urban                     x 1/2         x 2
City, Urban                     x 1/4         x 1
Metropolis, Urban               x 1/4         x 1/2
* Only Missile Weapons can be Used, x 1/2
* Only Missile Weapons can be Used, x 1

        When fighting in an urban enviroment then it is more than likely
that civilians will get injured.  Multiply the attack value of both
sides by 1/10, add them together and this is how many civilians were
injured.  One quarter of all injuries are considered deaths.

        Each side choses a tactic on a d10 and keeps it hidden from the
others.  When both tactics have been chosen then reveal the dice and
determine the results on the following table:

          Attack Assault Defend Flee   Trap  Encircle Counter Barrage Divide &
                                                      Attack          Conquer
Attack     1|1    1|2    1/2|3  1/2|0  1|3   2|1/2    1/2|4    1|2    1|2
Assault    2|1    2|2    1|2    1|0    1|2   3|1/2    1|1/2    2|2    1|1
Defend     3|1/2  2|1    0|0    0|S    0|0   2|2      0|0      0|1/4  1|2
Flee       0|1/2  0|1    S|0    S|S    1/2|3 1/2|3    0|0      0|0    0|0
Trap       3|1    2|1    0|0    3|1/2  0|0   1|2      0|0      0|0    1/2|1/2
Encircle   1/2|2  1/2|3  2|2    3|1/2  2|1   1|1      1|1     1/2|1   1/2|3
Counter    4|1/2  1/2|1  0|0    0|0    0|0   1|1      1|1     0|1/4   3|1/2
Barrage    2|1    2|2    1/4|0  0|0    0|0   1|1/2    1/4|0   1/4|1/4 1|2
Divide &   2|1    1|1    2|1    0|0  1/2|1/2 3|1/2    1/2|3   2|1     1|1
Surrender ->
        There is also a tenth tactic, it is to surrender.  In this case
        all members of the surrendering army are considered captured and both        
        teams escape with out any more injuries.  The battle is then over.
        The only exception is if the other army is using assault.  In this
        case problems arrise.  The assaulting army does not notice the other
        one surrendering and massacres them.  All of the surrendering army
        is killed, no survivors.  However, the surrendering army gets 1/8 of
        their attack value to inflict on the assaulting army before they die.
S = The army succesfully fled
NOTE: In a barrage, only those with missile weapons may attack!

Tactic Descriptions ->
        This army advances on the enimy quickly, but not so fast as to
        let their guard down.  This is a normal combat exchange.
        This army charges with all their might at the opposing army
        letting their guard down completly simply going through all that
        stands in their way.  The opposing army usually has little time to
        mount an appropriate defense and morale quickly fades away.
        This army makes the best they can of their area to get the best
        fortification over a short time.
        This army has had enough fighting and attempts to run.
        The army using 'Trap' is attempting to lower the other army into
        an ambush awaiting in some other area.  If the other army has chosen
        not to advance then the trap will be a failure.  You can't trap
        somebody who is not there.
        Encircling is when one army attempts to surround their enimy and
        then enclose in on them.  It is usually very difficult to surround
        a moving army.
Counter Attack:
        The counter attacking army waits patiently for the right moment to
        attack.  While the other army is charging in their direction they
        are preparing for the moment when the enimy is the least able to
        retaliate and then attack.  This moment is often when the enimy gets
        very close.
        This is where those who can attack from a distance pick off members
        of the other army.  Unfortunatly, if the other army gets too close
        then the barraging army will be quickly overrun.  But casualties on
        the opposing side will usually be to high by then to cause any
        significant damage.
Divide & Conquer:
        This is were one army works it's way into the middle of the other
        army essentially dividing it in two.  By doing this, the dividing
        army remains whole while the other army is split in two making it
        two weaker fighting forces.

        A raid is when one army attacks another except the other army is
        not aware they are being attacked.  This is the Trogen horse
        effect.  This effect also applies to all non-fortified citys and
        villages that have not been informed before hand.  The result is
        similar to that of a surrender.  The attacker, or the raiders if
        you so choose to call them, get x5 to their attack value!  The
        unsupecting defenders get x1/8 to their attack value.
