The following is a list of the files used in this game and what they contain:

abilitys.txt    The list of Minor Abilities
alchemy.txt     Description of Alchemy and list of potions and ingredients
attrib.txt      Rules for determining attributes
combat.txt      Combat rules
elements.txt    Elemental system and description of elemental powers
exp.txt         Experience rules and charts
force.txt       Description of The Force and list of powers
gambling.txt    Description of Gambling and list of powers
gang.txt        Rules on gangs and gang creation
gngsheet.txt    Gang member character sheet
items.txt       List of equipment 
magic2.txt      Description of Magic and Necromancy and list of spells (old)
powers.txt      Super power rules, lists, and descriptions
psionics.txt    Description of Psionics and list of powers
read_1st.txt    General game rules and description of file contents
robots.txt      Rules on robot creation
robsheet.txt    Robot additional character sheet
sfpowers.txt    Description and list of Street Fighter Powers
sheet.txt       Character Sheet
ships.txt       Rules on spaceship creation
skills.txt      Rules on skills and skill points
structur.txt    Campaign structures for specific animes
universe.txt    Description of the universe
vehicles.txt    Rules on vehicle creation
wmastery.txt    Description and list of Weapon Mastery powers
xmagic.txt      New magic rules (incomplete)

Character Creation
In order to create a character, the first thing one must do is determine
attributes. This process is described in detail in the Attributes section.
After the attributes have been determined, the next step is to determine 
skill points and skills. See the Skills section. Next, determine the 
character's running speed [ (str+sta) / 2 ] and languages. Languages are 
described further on in this file. Next are Power Points and equipment.
For Power Points, see the following section. For equipment, see the Items
list. Normal starting money is $300.

Power Points
Each Character starts with 25 + 2d10 Power Points.
Power Points are what make a character and can be spent in various ways. 
They can be used to enhance attributes, raise skills, increase starting 
money, buy mechs, build robots, or construct spaceships. Once used, Power
Points may not be regained and any Power Points not used during character
creation will be permanently lost. Depending on the type of campaign the GM
wishes to lead, Power Points may or should be spent in different ways. The
following is a list of possible campaign types and suggested power point
distribution. These campaign outlines are merely suggested guidelines and
can be freely changed and altered by the GM to suit his/her needs and/or 
wants for the campaign. They do not even have to be used at all. In fact, for
most campaigns, these are not nesscesary. Just let the players choose what
they want and for the most part they will choose something suitable for the 
setting. For campaingns based on specific anime shows/movies, see the section
on Campaign Structures.

This type of campaign takes place in outer space, on other planets and space
stations. Generally, characters should spend points on building spaceships or
mechs. If they so desire, characters may spend their points on other things
and ride in the same spaceship as another character. Costs listed in the
"Spaceships" section.

In this campaign type, there is some form of war on a planet involving mostly
mecha and power armor. Characters should be encouraged to spend points on 
building a mech or power armor. Costs listed in the "Mechs" section.

This is the type of campaign in which everyone has some form of super powers
or strange abilities which they use for their own purpose, whether that is to 
stop crime or to fuel it. Characters should spend their points on super 
powers. Costs listed in the "Super Powers" section.

Magic campaigns usually take place in ancient medieval times, but could take
place in any setting. All characters have the ability to use magic to 
different degrees, and some have super powers to complement their magic. 
Using the normal system, the costs are as follows: MP = 4d10, 1 PP = +1 MP,
5 PP = +1 spell. GMs may decide whether or not to include time magic (See

Takes place in a world where sentient robots are common. Each character makes
a robot and gives it weapons, armor, accessories, and/or transformations. 
Most of their opponents will also be similar robots.

This is a campaign in which everyone has some form of magical or super combat
skills. Using the normal system, the costs are as follows: 1 PP = 1 SF2 pt,
2 PP = 1 Minor Ability, 2 PP = 1 Weapon Mastery power with one weapon type
(ie. select a weapon type, then look at the list of Weapon Mastery powers and
select one).

Instead of creating one character at character creation, each player creates
a gang of characters. Gang rules are incomplete right now and will be 
implemented later.

Each character starts with 1 language (usually Japanese unless the setting is
elsewhere or the character is incomprehensible in which case they still 
start with 1 language, just one that is not understood by anyone). Characters
may roll after character creation for other languages. In order to have an
extra language, the character must roll under (2 x knowledge). Each character
is given 2 tries, and for each successful roll, is given one free try.
Also, each character has a decipher skill which is equal to logic+knowledge
and a bonus of +5 is added to it for each extra language. The maximum number
of extra languages a character may learn at character creation is 5.
