Format of the different files

Here are the different file format for Star v1.56

Variable types:
     byte    : 8-bits   0..255
     smallint: 16-bits  -32768..32767
     word    : 16-bits  0..65535
     longint : 32-bits  -2147483648..2147483647
     single  : 48-bits  2.9e-39..1.7e38

     table=array[1..20] of string;
     table_num=array[1..5] of byte;
     table_single=array[1..18] of single;
     table_0=array[1..2] of smallint;
     table_1=array[1..3] of byte;
     table_2=array[1..3] of single;
     table_3=array[1..3] of longint;
     table_5=array[1..18,1..3] of smallint;
     table_6=array[1..4] of longint;
     table_index=array[1..4] of single;
     table_byte=array[1..12] of byte;
     table_byte2=array[1..15] of byte;
     table_bool=array[1..5] of byte;
     table_bool2=array[1..11] of byte;
     table_bool3=array[1..2] of byte;

Star System file:   *.sun
             spe_class: table_1;    Spectral type code of the star(s)
             type_spec: table_1;    Decimal classification of the star(s)
             planet_nbr: table_1;   Number of planets orbiting the star(s)
             luminosity: table_2;   Luminosity of the star(s)
             mass_star:table_2;     Mass of the star(s) (in sol mass)
             age: byte;             Age of the star system in .1 billion years
             companion_dist: table_0; Distance of the companion star(s) to the
                                      primary one (in .1 A.U.)
             astral_orbit: table_5; Astral orbit of the planets around their
                                    star (in .1 A.U.)
             star_nbr: byte;        Number of stars in the system
             pln_id: table_3;       Id of the first planet around the star(s)
             posX: smallint;        Co-ordinate of the star system
             posY: smallint;        Co-ordinate of the star system
             posZ: smallint;        Co-ordinate of the star system
	       allegiance: word;      not used 	
             code: byte;            not used by Star 1.51

Planet file:        *.pln
             sun_id: longint;        Id of the planet star system
             alien_id: integer;         Id of the alien race living on the
             moon_id: longint;       Id of the first satellite orbiting the
             allegiance: word;       not used by Star 1.56
             atmos_type: byte;       Atmosphere type
             world_type: byte;       World type
             water_type: byte;       Water type
             atmos: byte;            Main atmospheric composant(s)
             smwr: byte;             Smallest molecular weight retained 
             axial_tilt: byte;       Axial tilt
             inclination: byte;      Inclination
             temp_avg: smallint;     Average temperature (in Celsius degrees)
             satellites: byte;       Number of satellites 
             hydrography: table_num; Hydrography/Ice/Clouds (in %)
             rotation_period: longint; Rotation period (in hours)
             diametre: longint;        Diameter (in km)/ Asteroid belt width
             density: byte;            Density (in .1 earth density)
             pressure: single;         Atmospheric pressure (in atm)
             eccentricity: word;       Eccentricity (in .001)
             orbit_radius: smallint;   Orbit radius (in .1 A.U.)
             mine_ress: table_num;     Mineral ressources
             misc_charac: byte;        (bit 1:icy_core, 2:resonance, 3:water_tainted) 
             unusual: table_bool;      1/0 for each unusual characteristic

Satellite file:     *.mon
             pln_id: longint;        Id of the planet around which the
                                     satellite is orbiting
             atmos_type: byte;       Atmosphere type
             world_type: byte;       World type
             water_type: byte;       Water type
             atmos: byte;            Main atmospheric composant(s) 
             temp_avg: smallint;     Average temperature (in Celsius degrees)
             hydrography: table_num; Hydrography/Ice/Clouds (in %)
             diametre: longint;      Diameter (in km)
             density: byte;          Density (in .1 earth density)
             pressure: single;       Atmospheric pressure (in atm)
             sat_orbit: word;        Orbit radius (in .1 A.U.)
             mine_ress: table_num;   Mineral ressources
             misc_charac: byte;      (bit 1:icy_core, 2:resonance, 3:water_tainted) 

Alien file:         *.aln
             pln_id: longint;        Id of the home planet of the alien race
             environment_type: byte; Environment in which the race lives
             body_type: byte;        Body chemistry
             limbs_number: byte;     Number of limbs pairs
             diet_genre: byte;       Alien diet
             repro_genre: byte;      Alien reproduction type
             repro_meth_genre: byte; Alien reproduction methode
             gov_type: byte;         Alien government type
             body_cover_type: byte;  Skin type
             app_genre: byte;        Appearance type
             mass: smallint;          Mass in kg
             size_creat:smallint;     Size in cm
             limbs_genre:table_byte;  Limbs genre for each pair
             attrib:table_byte2;      Alien attributes
             table_abil:table_bool2;  1/0 for each unusual characteristics
             color_genre:table_bool3; 1/0 for each color skin bit
             hair_color :table_bool3; 1/0 for each hair color bit
             body_char  :table_bool3; 1/0 for each body characteristic bit
             eye_color  :table_bool3; 1/0 for each eye color bit
             eye_char   :table_bool3; 1/0 for each eye_char bit
             hair_char  :byte;        Hair type 
	     religion   :byte;        Religion type
             devotion   :byte;        Faith devotion 

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