Addenda 1: Weapons tables

They try to say it's too late for me
Tell my guns I'm coming home

Jon Bon Jovi "Santa Fe"

Ini: Weapon Initiative, Pen: Weapon Penetration, Dam: Weapon Damage, Parry: Weapon Parry, Length: Weapon Length, TL: Tech Level, AV: Armor Value, SP: Structure Points
#: two handed weapon.
Rof: Rate of fire,number of attacks per round, b means bursts
Type: B:blade C:contending S:shafted L:lash U:unarmed
Type: MR:military rifle, SG:shotgun, SA:sidearm, SPR:sport rifle
Recoil: the second value is for bursts autofire.
Range: SR:Short range MR:Medium range LR:Long range
Sometimes for ranged weapons Damage and Penetration have two values,the first is the value at SR,the second is the bonus/penalty for each subsequent range area.For example 0/-1 means 0 at SR,-1 at MR and -2 at LR.

  1. Melee Weapons

    WeaponIniPenDamParry LengthTypeAVSPTL
    Club-2 0-2 -4 2 C251
    Cudgel +1 -3 -2 -4 2 C242
    Cutlass +1 0 0 -2 2 B342
    Dagger +1 -2 -2 -1 2 B332
    Halberd # -2 +1 +1 -4 3 S372
    Improvised weapon-2 -3-2 -4 2 CVARVARVAR
    Lance -3 0 0 -5 3 S252
    Mace0 +1 -1 -6 2 C362
    Scimitar 0 -1 +1 -2 2 B362
    Staff # 0 -3 -2 -1 2 C251
    Staff,iron shod # 0 -2 -1 -1 2 C372
    Sword,dueling +2 -3 -1 -1 2 B222
    Sword,laser 0 +4 +2 -1 2 BNANA9
    Sword,long 0 0 0 -1 2 B362
    Sword,short 0 -1 -1 -2 2 B352
    Sword,two handed # -1 +1 +1 -3 2 B482
    Throwing axe -2 -1 -1 -6 2 B252
    Trident # -2 0 0 -3 3 S372
    Vibroblade 0 +1 +2 -1 2 B588
    War axe #-4 +3 +2 -6 2 B472
    Warhammer # -4 +2 +2 -6 2 C492
    Whip -1 -4 -4 NA 2 LNA NA2
    Hand 0 -5 -4 NA1 UNA NANA
    Foot -1 -5 -3 NA 1 UNA NANA

  2. Throwing Weapons

    Weapon Ini Pen DamRangeTL
    Boomerang 0 -1/-1 -2/-1 10 25 50 2
    Javelin 0 -1/-1 -1/-1 10 25 50 1
    Stone 0 -2/-1 -4/-1 10 25 50 1
    Throwing axe 0 -1/-1 -2/-1 10 15 20 2
    Throwing knife +1 -2/-1 -2/-1 10 15 20 2

  3. Projectile Weapons

    WeaponRofIni Pen DamRangeTL
    Blowgun 1 +1 -2/-1poison 10 15 35 1
    Bow,composite # 1 0 -1/-1 -1/-1 25 50 200 2
    Bow,long # 1 0 -1/-1 0/-1 25 50 275 2
    Bow,short #1 0 -1/-1 -1/-1 25 50 100 2
    Crossbow,heavy # 1:3 0 0/-1 0/-1 25 50 300 2
    Crossbow,light # 1:2 0 -1/-1 -1/-1 25 50 250 2
    Sling 1 1 -2/-1 -2/-1 25 50 150 1

  4. Archaic Fire Weapons

    WeaponRofIni Pen DamRangeTLRecoil
    Arquebus # 1:8 -2 0/-1-1/-1 50 75 150 36
    Dueling pistol 1:5 0 0/-1 -1/-1 25 35 75 34
    Flintlock # 1:5 -1 0/-1 -1/-1 100 200 350 35
    Musket #1:4 -1 0/-1 -1/-1 50 75 150 35

  5. Fire Weapons

    WeaponRofIni Pen DamRangeTLRecoilAmmo Type
    .32 revolver 2 +3 -1/-1-1/-1 10 15 25 432SA
    .45 revolver 6 +2 +1/-1 0/-1 25 35 75 446 SA
    Medium rifle # 6 -1 +2/-1 0/-1 100 200 500 4510SPR
    Elephant gun #2 -2 +3/-1 +3/-1 100 150 200 482 SPR
    .38 revolver 6 +2 +1/-1 0/-1 25 50 100 4 4 6 SA
    9 mm pistol6 +2 +2/-1 0/-1 15 25 75 4 4 6 SA
    .45 autopistol6 +2 +2/-1 0/-1 15 35 75 4 4 8 SA
    .22 light rifle # 4 -1 +2/-1 0/-1 100 200 400 4 4 10 SPR
    .30 rifle #4 -1 +3/-1 +2/-1 100 200 600 4 5 10 SPR
    9 mm MP # 6/3b 0 +2/-1 +1/-1 50 100 150 4 4/20 30 MR
    .30 LMG # 6/3b -3 +3/-1 +1/-1 150 400 1000 4 6/22 100 MR
    Sporting gun # 2 -1 var var 25 50 100 4 6 2 SPR
    .357 magnum 6 +1 +2/-1 +1/-1 25 75 125 5 5 6 SA
    .357 automag 6 +1 +2/-1 +1/-1 25 75 125 5 5 10 SA
    .44 magnum 6 +1 +3/-1 +1/-1 25 75 125 5 6 6 SA
    .44 automag 6 +1 +3/-1 +1/-1 25 75 125 5 6 10 SA
    9mm SMG # 6/3b 0 +3/-1 +1/-1 50 100 200 5 4/20 30 MR
    7.62 mm SA # 6 -1 +4/-1 +2/-1 100 200 700 5 6 30 MR
    7.62 mm AR # 6/3b -1 +4/-1 +2/-1 100 200 600 5 6/22 30 MR
    7.62 mm LMG # 3b -3 +4/-1 +2/-1 150 400 1000 5 -/22 100 MR
    .50 HMG # 3b -4 +5/-1 +4/-1 300 600 2000 5 -/25 100 MR
    12 ga shotgun # 3 -1 VAR VAR 25 75 100 5 6 6 SG
    10 ga shotgun # 3 -1 VAR VAR 25 75 100 5 6 6 SG
    5 mm sportsman 6 +2 +3/-1 0/-1 25 75150 6 4 6 SA
    5 mm body pistol 6 +3 +3/-1 -1/-1 15 25 75 6 4 6 SA
    7 mm enforcer 6/1b +1 +3/-1 +2/-1 25 75150 6 5/24 10 SA
    10 mm automag 6 +1 +4/-1 +2/-1 25 75 150 6 6 10 SA
    10 mm autofire 6/1b 0 +4/-1 +2/-1 25 75 200 6 6/25 10 SA
    5 mm light rifle # 6 -1 +3/-1 0/-1 100 300 800 6 5 30 SPR
    7 mm medium rifle # 6/3b -1 +3/-1 +1/-1 100 200 500 6 6/22 30 SPR
    7 mm assault rifle # 6/3b-1 +4/-1 +2/-1 100 300 9006 6/22 30 MR
    10 mm heavy rifle # 6-2 +5/-1 +2/-1 125 400 1000 67 30 MR
    5.5 mm gatling #5b-2 +2/-1 -1/-1 100 200 500 6-/10 500 MR
    10 mm LMG #3b -3 +5/-1 +2/-1 250 600 1500 6-/25 100 MR

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