What's Catalunya? 

 The Tunnel 

 Games ranking 

 Who's who? 

 Laughs & laughs 

 Nothing's impossible! 


 The lost barretina 

 Q  U  A  Q 

 About the author 



(Quite Unfrequently Asked Questions)

   Question Catalunya, is it true that your a graphic adventure master?
   Answer *wittily* Well... if you wanna name it that way... :>

   Question And have you finished all of the existing graphic adventures?
   Answer Most of them. But there are others that, either for technical problems or for headache, still remain... emm... "unsolved" (YES, like the X-files). Hey, nobody's perfect!

   Question Would you gimme some, please? I'll do whatever you want! I'll even sell my soul to the devil!!!
   Answer Lemme think about it... *thinking* NO. Piracy is a crime, didn't you know it? ]:>

   Question Hmmm, okay, it doesn't matter... What's your favourite food?
   Answer Pizza. Yum!

   Question And what's your favourite drink?
   Answer Lemonade. But, for goodness sake, what kinda interview is this? And what kinda reporter are u, by the way??? Ask me something important!

   Question Okay, okay. In a metaphisical way, as the famous greek philosopher Aristotle said, do you think the soul is an independent being or is it part of the human essence, from which it cannot be separated? ]:>>
   Answer Well, I think the soul is something we... *interrupted*

   Question Hey, hey! I was just being ironic, okay?
   Answer Oh... I see.

   Question So... are u crazy or something?
   Answer Hey, hey, hey... wait a minute! What's the problem with you!? I haven't said anything 'bout your ridiculous face!!! Now I won't answer any more questions without my lawyer.

-End of the interview-

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