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 The lost barretina 

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The lost barretina

   Quick! Mortimer the mouse has stolen grandpa's barretina! Help me to find it, please!!!
   Are you telling me that you DON'T know what a barretina is??? God, I can't believe it! Okay, I'll explain it to you. The barretina is the typical hat of Catalunya. It looks like this, more or less:

Mortimer and grandpa's barretina

   Now almost nobody uses it; but it is nice to keep the traditions up, doncha think so?

   So, please, help me to find it! It is hidden somewhere here, in Catalunya, a little bit smaller than the image above. It is in the same place for the three languages my page offers, so don't be twisted, uh? ;-> I'll give you a hint: it is NOT a banner!

   Oh, I see you want something in exchange... Okay, okay, you'll win this beautiful award with your name on it, so you can put it on your page, if you do have one!

[YOUR NAME] found Catalunya's lost barretina Award - SAMPLE
This is just a sample, the award you'll receive will have your name or alias on the top

   You only have to find grandpa's lost barretina and tell me which message has Mortimer told you... GOOD LUCK! When you find it, you just have to fill the form below with all the requested information, and the award is yours!

   I keep the right not to give this award to pages that don't fulfil the following:

  • NO adult content pages.
  • NO commercial pages.
  • NO pages that promote any kind of discrimination.



Name or Alias


URL of your Homepage

Mortimer's Message

The entries that don't provide all the requested information won't be valid.

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