Its a question that many people ask upon coming to this page. Well, we dont owe you any explanation, so get the hell off this page or we'll thrash ya within an inch of your lives. JUST FOOLIN! (gotta love us!) Well, it's like this.. A company named Catapult came out with a modem for the Super Nintendo system that allowed you to play games such as Mortal Kombat 2 & 3 with another subscriber on-line. (click HERE for more details on the system.) Realizing its potential as a vehicle of abuse, we all bought a modem and went on a 2 year rampage of drunken fury, as we humiliated and abused everyone we got matched up with. The lowest form of scum existed on that lil modem (mostly idiotic teens and a few gen-x yuppies.) Soon, Sheer Terror, Negative Creep & Finster became the network's most feared players, as we would throw the lil' teens such hellacious beatings, you could almost hear their teenage weeping through the phone lines. We were hated because they could never hope to beat us, and we made it clear right off the bat that we werent there to make friends. Letters sent to us saying "Hey man- good game" were sent replies of "You suck, and I pray to God that your parents die of AIDS". This went against the grain of everything the Xbanders stood for, and we were proud that we could cause so much sorrow just by being our usual, nasty selves. Then, we noticed initials next to some of the xbanders names. They were forming "clubs", and they would all boast of who had the best players, etc. We, as free agents, mocked their club system, and when they implored us to join their clubs, we threatened them with a "club" upside their mama's head. They were not pleased, and we grew more hated by the day. Then Negative Creep came up with a suggestion to form a sort of "Anti-Club", if you will. Deciding this was a good idea, as if for no other reason, we could then mock the dummies who would ask to join our club, we went about chosing a name. The kids were using juvenile names like the "X-bandits" "sons of Satan", etc. You know- the run-of-the-mill teenage babble. We kicked around a few names at first- "Hitler X", "Sons of Abe Vigoda" "Infuriated Caucasians On Crack", etc. Anything to differentiate us from the legion of geeks that were popping up daily. We finaly decided on P.I.- Politically Incorrect. (and no, it doesnt have anything to do with the TV show, as we hate Bill Maher and hope they cancel his overrated charade) Because we WERE. Short. Simple. P.I.- That was our banner, and we went on to make hundreds of peoples lives miserable with our antics. The company closed down this year, after almost 2 years, and we are proud to say that we did our part to drive the idiocy into the ground. As xband breathed it's final breath, all the Xbanders clubs were deemed R.I.P, and their little video game personnas died with the modem. We, on the other hand, still thrive, as P.I. was not just some stupid "club", but an undying idea that will continue on forever in the hearts and minds of those who follow us. And in the painful memories of those we've abused. With that having been said, we now open our thick shroud of secrecy & give you a glimpse at the greatness that is P.I....

Click here to read about SHEER TERROR!

Now, click here to read about NEGATIVE CREEP!

Then, click here to read about FINSTER!

Coming Soon- Pictures!