What is the Meaning of Life?




This question, above all others, has plagued humanity since the beginning of time. Many a greater man than I have tackled it, with various degrees of success. I am not pretentious enough to equate myself with such Greats; nevertheless, I have the answer.

There are many things that people want. Money, success, sex, power, but all these things are temporal. Such things are evidently not enough, for Solomon -the greatest (in worldly power) man ever- called all of these things worthless. There is nothing on this temporal plane that can fully satisfy our desires.

What we need is everlasting satisfaction. To quote a great, CS Lewis states that "any man who continually desires joy will get it." There is only one way to achieve that end.

The One who gave us existence wants our love. It is that easy. The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Creator wants His creation to love Him. Is that really hard to understand? We all want to be loved? There is no reason to think that Our Lord is any different, and in fact that was our original purpose. In paradise, Adam & Eve existed in perfect loving harmony with God, and that is the obvious standard to which we should strive to adhere.

How is this the meaning of life? Maybe it should be better phrased, the purpose of life, or even more correctly, the goal of life. And what a noble goal it is. What could possibly be greater than sharing in the love of our Lord and Savior. I can think of nothing.

This is not all that hard of a goal to attain either. God loves you, all that is required of us is to show that love back. He is not asking for much, but He is asking for everything. That is one of the great paradoxes of my religion, Christianity. God requires of you your life, but then He gives it back to you, in full anticipation that you will live your life as He says it should be lived. That is the only true way to show your love. Words and lip service are easy, however we are talking about omniscience here. The true expression of our love for Him is in the way you live.

I am here to exhort you, that if you want the real meaning in your life, you must find the One Truth that exists in this life. And that is the Truth of Christianity. But I am not going to go that far right now. The purpose of this essay was to find the meaning in this seemingly meaningless and anonymous existence. And I have found it. It is up to you to find out, and you will. I promise you this, you will find the Truth. The only question is whether you will wake up and discover this now, or whether you will find this out in a state of utter horror on judgement day.



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