How to target an approach!

Now you are at the place you think you will most likely meet people. The key here is to observe. Look around you and notice as many approachable people as possible. Getting nervous? If you are go back to the section on overcoming shyness. Here is where you are going to pick someone you want to meet. Find several people you would like to approach. If you are at a party or out at a club then wander around the whole place once before singling someone out. Your confidence should be working up at this point. Look around and see if you can find some people that don't look happy. Be aware of your own look. Try to see yourself as others do. Then you can pick someone and observe them. Quickly access their situation. Are they smiling. Are they having a good time. Is there something about them that might warrant a comment? You might be able to comment on something they are wearing. Think about what your opening communication might be. I warn against thinking too deeply about how the conversation might get started or how things will go. Being spontaneous brings out a lighthearted charm that works much better than any planned conversation. Be sincere. Be humorous. Be silly if you think it will get you somewhere. I remember one time being approached by a guy in a serious tone "Both my therapist and my parole officer agree I should meet people like you". I could tell by the smile on his face he was joking. That started a wonderful 20 minute conversation. Anyway After you have observed and are ready to make that move try making brief eye contact. See if you are met with any indication how things will go. You might be met with negativity that will make you rethink who you want to approach. If that happens then move on to the next person. But if you are met with what looks like approval then it's time for the next step.

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