Last straw!

I'll tell you a little story about why I finally left. I was friends with some drexel co-ops where I worked and they had parties in this girls apartment at least once a month. I used to get wasted with these college people and started having fun. But then always went back home to the wife. One night I was out with 5 other people. 4 guys and 2 girls. In this tiny car. Bucket seats. When we left I was sitting in the back scrunched up against Val, who is a beautiful blonde. And nick sat on renays lap in the passenger seat. We went to a pub and I was dancing for the first time in well over 10 years. Was having such a good time. When we went to leave nick, renay, and the other guy jumped in the back seat. Val looked at me and said get in and I'll sit on your lap. She's kinda tall so she actually had to sit with her legs going back between the front seats. :) We were all a little tanked and driving through center city carrying on. Heading down over the bridge towards 30th street station chuck was revving the car and we hit like 80 miles an hour. And we are coming up to a right turn. He's trying to slow the car and make the turn and I have this beautiful blonde on my lap that smelled so good. I will never forget that smell. With her arms wrapped around my head. Wheels squealing, Her squeezing my face into her chest. And chuck barely managing to keep the car under control as we missed a wall by 2 feet. Now at a more leisurely pace he says 'Holy crap' I think I was going a little fast. Val is letting go a little on her grip and she looks me in the eyes and got real close to my face and said "What a way to die" I couldn't get that out of my mind. If I would have died I would have been so po'd at the way I was living. :) I was existing. I wasn't living. The following saturday I left.

All original content ©1997 Maracujá