Pentapod's World of 2300AD This article has it all: adventure, mystery, and big monsters. My thanks to Clay for granting permission for me to host it on my web site. Note the creature's name is spelled "R A V V E R", the typeface unfortunately makes the double V look like a W. - Kevin Clark - June 3rd, 1997.


by Clay Johanson
( clayj AT clayj DOT com )

Copyright ©1990, 1997 Clay Johanson.  All Rights Reserved.
Originally published in Challenge magazine #44.

HTML entry/layout/editing by Kevin Clark
( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )
Please report errors to me.

Disclaimer required by Far Future Enterprises: This item is not authorized or endorsed by Far Future Enterprises ( FFE) and is used without permission. The item is for personal use only. Any use of FFE's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, this item cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author ( Clay Johanson).

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Ravver
  4. Referee's Synopsis
  5. Vega
  6. Orbit
  7. Oberlin
  8. Special Equipment
  9. The Capture
  10. Overdose
  11. Evidence
  12. Distress Call
  13. The Capture, Take Two
  14. The Chase
  15. Discovery
  16. End Note


On the first expedition to Highland, a ravver pack savagely killed the captain. Now, you must discover how to neutralize the ravvers.

There's not really much to tell. The journey from Vega to Highland was a long one, but not because it was a long way or anything. The fact was, the ship carrying us, the Sacajawea, was an American colonizer vessel, designed to carry hundreds of families to the Frontier. Unfortunately, she wasn't built for speed, so the trip took almost two weeks.

The Saca's current assignment was to serve as an orbital base for the AECA survey team down on the surface of Highland. It had to pick up supplies at Vega, and we just conveniently needed a lift from there to Highland, so there we were - the five of us and 30 or so crewmembers aboard a vessel built for 500. It was eerie, I can tell you.

Anyway, as we moved into orbit, I was recalling the deal we struck with the AECA fella back at Vega - Hansen, I think his name was. "Easy job," he says. "All you have to do is run escort for the expedition on Highland. They're going to be collecting some animal specimens, and they need you around, well, just in case."

So we took the job. It wasn't until after we were out of Vega before somebody showed us exactly what we were going to be collecting. It scared the hell out of me when Hollings woke me up with a holo of one of those things hovering over me. I about killed him for that.

No wonder the Feds pay their employees so much....

Highland (DM+38 3095 I) was first discovered in 2267 by the survey vessel USS Armstrong during the initial surveys of the DM+43 2796 subarm. Following a detailed orbital scan of the first world orbiting DM+38 3095, the mission commander, Captain Gregory Highland, ordered the Armstrong to land on the planet to conduct a firsthand survey. Tragically, Captain Highland was killed by a pack of the native life forms now known as ravvers, and his crewmembers only barely escaped with their lives. The world was subsequently named in Highland's honor.

With a diameter of 10,172 kilometers and an average density of 0.9 standard, Highland's mass is approximately 42 percent of that of Terra, and its surface gravity is a comfortable 0.746 G. Almost 60 percent of Highland's surface is covered by water, including the two large polar caps which cover almost 15 percent of the surface.

Highland's land surface is composed of four major continents: three in the southern hemisphere and one in the northern. Much of the surface is covered in deciduous and coniferous forests, with some of the native plants bearing a striking resemblance to Terran pine trees. The remainder of the surface is mainly frozen tundra, and on the northern continent, ice pack.

Highland is a temperate world, with a surface temperature averaging 15 degrees C; this can range up to 30 degrees C during the day and down to 0 degrees C at night. The Highlander day lasts 17 hours and five minutes, and each local year consists of 278.46 local days.

Highland has two moons, Philips and Marten, located at 30 and 45 diameters out, respectively. Both are airless worlds. Further surveys of Marten have indicated that heavy mineral deposits are located just beneath its surface.

One of Highland's notable aspects is its variety of animal life forms. The life form at the top of the food chain on Highland is the ravver, a three-meter-tall, bipedal, reptilian creature which possesses an armored hide and claws. Ravvers roam in packs, usually of 10 to 50 individuals. It was one of these packs which encountered the Armstrong and savagely killed Captain Highland. The crew launched immediately and returned to Vega Far Station 5.

Only one expedition has actually landed on Highland since the Armstrong incident. In 2298, AECA set up an exploratory base on Oberlin Island, off the western coast of the largest continent. (For more on AECA, see Challenge 43.) The Highland expedition's goal is to gather more data on the planet's ecosystem with an eye toward eventual colonization. One of the things that must be discovered during this time is a means by which the ravver population of Highland may be neutralized.


Basic information about ravvers (Xenodracoform Highlandii) is readily available to player characters: The ravver is a reptile-like creature, standing almost 300 centimeters in height when erect and massing nearly 400 kilograms.

Ravvers have two legs, two arms (each ending in a several-fingered hand), and a long tail. Ravvers are usually brown or red in color, although this varies considerably.

Ravver Armor: Ravvers possess a form of natural armor unlike any ever discovered in nature. Laboratory analysis indicates that ravver armor is composed of a mixture of ferric compounds held in shape by a chemical with incredible adhesive properties. Because of its chemical composition (mostly rust), ravver armor flakes off easily and often falls off in large chunks. It is not known how ravver armor is generated, but tests have shown that the material acts as a form of natural composite armor and can withstand hits by kinetic small arms fire at all but the closest ranges.

Ravver Society: Ravvers are known to travel in packs of 10 to 50, consisting usually of an alpha male, up to 20 warriors, also male, and up to 20 females. As many as 10 ravver young have been spotted within a single pack. It is not known at this time how ravver packs mark their territory, but savage combat between packs was observed on one occasion.

Ravver Reproduction: Little is known about ravver reproduction. It is believed that ravver young are born live, rather than hatching from an egg.

Ravver Life Span: The average life span for ravvers has not yet been determined. It is believed that ravvers may live to be as old as 80 local years.

If you intend to play this adventure, stop reading now.
Further material is for referees only.

The following information about ravvers is currently unknown to humans and is considered for the referee's eyes only.

Ravvers evolved as a burrowing animal, but one group branched off and took to an open-air, predator/pack lifestyle. The ravvers' claws, originally developed for digging, were efficient at bringing down prey. Because of the high levels of iron compounds in their food, the ravvers evolved a method for eliminating much of the iron by collecting it in a special organ (which separated the iron compounds by an enzymatic process) and regurgitating it in an adhesive paste of secretions, enzymes, and iron compounds.

After a time, however, instead of depositing the mixture of rust and adhesive on the ground, they began to cover themselves with it. This primitive armor helped to protect them against the defenses of other creatures and from the claws of other Ravvers (in duels for dominance).

Ravvers begin to form their armor almost immediately after birth. Provided for by its pack, the young ravver will consume extremely large amounts of food during the first 500 days of its life. After the food is digested, it passes through a natural filter organ where all ferric compounds are separated from the food. They are then mixed together with an adhesive substance.

The mixture is then regurgitated and released through the ravver's mouth. The ravver applies the mixture to its skin before it hardens. Full bonding takes place within two hours, during which time the ravver remains very still. Following the initial bonding period, the ravver will move all its limbs vigorously, thus removing any armor which may have accumulated near the joints of limbs. For hard-to-reach places, Ravvers will often service each other with the mixture.

Although it consists mainly of ferric oxide (rust), ravver armor is very durable, perhaps due to the composite nature of its construction and the resinous composition of the adhesive secretion. Ravver armor is strongest across the chest and cranium, and weakest along the legs, the ravver's lower back, and near the joints of limbs.

Ravver Senses: Ravvers, as burrowing creatures, have poor eyesight compared to other animals, but they compensate for this by remaining largely nocturnal and by making use of other senses. Their olfactory apparatus is quite sensitive and enables them to approach quite close to their prey. They then rely on their meager vision and their ability to sense electromagnetic fields.

This electroreceptive sense is also used to recognize individuals. Each ravver's armor gives off a unique electromagnetic "signature" which is recognizable by other ravvers in the same pack because of the armor's unique shape and electrochemical structure.

Ravver Society: Ravver society is based on a territorial/pack system. Each ravver pack controls an area, usually no more than 50,000 square kilometers in size, which is centered on a geographical landmark, usually a mountain or large outcropping. In any case, the landmark will have an electromagnetic field of sufficient power to allow ordinary ravvers to detect it at ranges of up to 30 kilometers.

The ravver pack is led by an alpha male. Only male ravvers who possess greater than normal electromagnetic sensitivity may hold this position, and only one ravver per pack may be the alpha male at one time. If more than one male is alpha capable, combat determines the leader. The alpha male is instrumental in ensuring that the pack has enough nourishment.

The alpha male of each pack marks his territory with the same substance that he uses to build his armor. In this way, a ravver in a different pack will see a "fence" of magnetic locations at a territorial boundary and will usually avoid crossing the line.

Ravver Reproduction: Ravvers mate once every five local years. One young ravver is born live to the mother after a gestation period of 50 local days and is cared for by the pack until it is 500 days old. At this point, the ravver joins the pack in daily foraging activities.

Ravver Life Span: Although Ravvers are biologically capable of reaching over 150 years of age, the average life span for a ravver is somewhere in the vicinity of 100 years - beyond that point, the ravver will probably not be able to defend itself or run down prey.

Combat Statistics for Ravver (Killer): Number Appearing: 10x1D6 Initiative: 10 Hit: Routine Size: 400 kg (500 kg if alpha male) Speed: 50m Armor: See below Wound Potential Modification: +1 Consciousness/Life Levels: 10/18 DPV: 1 Signature: +2

Armor: Because of the nature of their armor, the following values apply to all ravvers. Ravver armor is treated as rigid for damage purposes.


Body Part





    0.5 front
    0.3 rear









In this adventure, the characters will be participating in the study of the creatures known as ravvers. The presence of these life forms on Highland is the only factor preventing American colonization of that world. The survey team's mission is to discover a method by which the ravvers may be neutralized, without exterminating these unique creatures. The North American Research League (NARL) believes that extermination of the ravver population would constitute an ecological catastrophe. Rumors are also circulating in NARL's Chicago headquarters that ravvers may be semi-intelligent, although this remains to be seen.

Along the way, the presence of a saboteur will hamper the efforts of the survey team and threaten the lives of all involved. The characters, as a neutral party, will take on an important role in seeing that the survey is completed successfully. This adventure is heavily action-oriented: Although the exploration of new worlds is mainly academic in nature, there are times when new dangers will make life difficult (if not deadly) for adventurers.


The adventure begins with the player characters at Vega Far Station 5. How they get there depends on conditions and events within each campaign. As the PCs are enjoying the sights, perhaps even taking in the spectacular view of Vega from the station's viewports, a well dressed man introduces himself. He is Lionel Hansen, AECA station administrator at Vega,

"You come highly recommended," he says. "If you're interested, I've got a job for you folks. Good pay, free transport. Like to hear more?"

Hansen invites the characters to his spacious office near the center of the station and explains further. "As you may know, AECA's been surveying a number of habitable worlds in the 2796 branch of the arm for about two years now. On one world, Highland, a rather important species has been discovered by the surveyors. An operation to gather specimens of this life form is planned to take place in approximately one month. I need experienced troubleshooters to provide escort for the surveyors during the operation."

If asked about the dangers involved, Hansen will reply, laughing, "A few native life forms, that's all." He'll then throw in the clincher: "Payment for successful mission completion will be $10,000. Each."

Perceptive characters may get the feeling that Hansen isn't telling them the complete truth. However, they will also know that it isn't American government policy to outright lie about obvious dangers. While the amount Hansen is offering is more than generous, characters may wish to haggle, in view of the vague nature of the briefing. Haggling is a task.

Task: To convince Hansen to increase the PCs' pay: Difficult. Administration and Psychology. 10 seconds.

Success in haggling convinces Hansen to raise their pay from $10,000 (Lv 8000) to $12,500 (Lv 10,000). Hansen will steer the conversation away from further discussions of hazards, concentrating on other details of the mission. He will inform the characters that they will be provided with transportation to Highland aboard the USS Sacajawea, an American colonizer vessel which serves as the orbital support facility for the Highland outpost. Further information on Highland will be available through the computer on the transport vessel, and mission-specific information will be given to the adventurers upon their arrival at the surveyor outpost.

After accepting the job and signing their temporary attachment contract (a standard AECA document), the characters are rushed to the Saca, which departs the station within the hour.


The two-week journey to Highland is uneventful. Characters will have the entire ship to themselves, including access to its computer. It is not difficult for characters to determine some important details about Highland and its important life forms.

Task: To learn about Highland: Routine. Computer. 1 minute.

Task: To learn about the ravvers: Routine. Computer. 2 minutes.

Success at these tasks allows the characters access to the player information provided at the beginning of this article. Upon arriving at Highland, the characters are transported down to Oberlin Base by the expedition's LC-20-class ship (described in detail in Traveller's Digest #15, the LC-20 is commonly used on the American Arm by many governmental agencies and corporations).


The characters are deposited at the survey base on Oberlin Island, off the western coast of the largest continent. Orbital scans of Highland showed that this large island was strangely devoid of Ravvers, and it was therefore the ideal choice for the establishment of a human base.

The characters are met at the landing grid by Dr. William Garrity, head of the survey team. A tall, patrician man with graying hair, Garrity has been with AECA for more than 30 years, serving in various capacities within the administration. His promotion to survey team leader is the greatest accomplishment of his life, he explains, and he takes great joy in his work.

He drives the characters to the base proper, a 10-minute trip by utility vehicle. During this time, he tells the characters about some of the dangers they will face on Highland, not the least of which is the ravvers. The operation to capture a live ravver will take place in two days, but in the meantime, he says, he intends to make sure that everyone is fully briefed and prepared.

When Garrity and the characters arrive at the base, Garrity escorts them into the mess hall, where everybody has been assembled to meet the characters. The survey team consists of the following members.

Dr. Katherine de Leuw, AECA

Dr. José Cortes, AISI

Dr. Paul Bradford, NARL

Dr. Heinrich Christmann, AR-I

Dr. Angelique Marronne, IEX

In addition to the above personnel, four EDiv (AECA Engineering Division) technicians live at Oberlin Base. They are responsible for the maintenance of all expedition equipment.


A variety of special equipment is available for use by the expedition.

HOV One and HOV Two: These hovercraft are civilian versions of the American M-24A3 armored personnel carriers (APCs). The vehicles are unarmored, and the weapons systems have been removed to make room for scientific equipment, including advanced life-detection systems and lab equipment. The hovercraft may be treated as M-24s for purposes of movement, but each is equipped with the equivalent of battle radar and infrared viewers (see the 2300 AD Equipment Guide and 2300 AD Ground Vehicle Guide for descriptions), and has an all faces armor value of 0.5.

M780 Gas Grenades: These grenades contain concentrated amounts of Amorphan, a tranquilizing gas which until the 2250s was used for riot control. (A notable side effect of Amorphan - the reason it is no longer used - is that it causes a teemporary but intense pain in the lungs when breathed.) The expedition plans to use these grenades to incapacitate live Ravvers and prepare them for transport. Attached to the chassis of each HOV are six grenade launchers, each equivalent to a GW-12 Granatenwerfer.

Quinn Optronics Semiautomatic Taser ST-1: Two ST-1s are in each of the two emergency kits aboard each HOV (eight ST-1s in all). The ST-1 was introduced in 2298 by Quinn Optronics for use by police forces. Unfortunately, the ST-1 did not catch on: The weapon is difficult to use and has limited utility. AECA purchased Quinn's remaining stock in late 2299 and equipped many AECA expeditions with ST-1s as an alternative to sonic restraint carbines.

The ST-1 fires two small darts, connected to the weapon by fine superconducting wires. Following impact, the weapon sends a high-voltage, low-amperage dose of electricity into the target, causing neural disruption and muscular collapse. Unlike other taser models, the ST-1 carries eight sets of darts. When all darts have been fired, the weapon is discarded. Characters have no reason to know of the existence of the ST-1s until late in the adventure.

Type: Electric stunner Country: USA Weight: 3 kg Length: 40 cm (Bulk=1) Action: Single shot Muzzle Velocity: 200 mps Magazine: 16 darts (8 shots) ROF: 2 Aimed Fire Range: 50 m DP Value: 2 (stun damage only) Price: Lv200.


The operation begins two days after the characters arrive. The survey team and the characters board the two HOVs. The characters should pilot the HOVs and man the gas grenade launchers since the scientists will need to man their equipment. The journey across the strait to the mainland is a short one. Once across, Garrity orders the radar units activated. Almost instantly, a pack of ravvers, approximately 30 in number, is located some 50 kilometers to the east.

As the expedition approaches the pack, Garrity orders the HOVs to make several passes, firing grenades as they pass over the ravvers. As the ravvers are enveloped in the gas, many of the creatures begin to howl in obvious pain as the Amorphan permeates their lungs.

As the scientists listen to the ravvers over the HOV speakers, Dr. Christmann begins to laugh out loud. Gesturing at a video monitor, he proclaims, "See? They're not so dangerous! Let's just call in the army and wipe these miserable creatures off the face of the planet."

Bradford disagrees, threatening to inform his superiors about Christmann's lack of ethics or thirst for knowledge. Christmann, sitting across from him in the HOV, tells Bradford to drop his "all life is equal" sham and grow up.

At this point, a scuffle begins between Bradford and Christmann and any character caught between the two. The characters should attempt to restrain the two men without injuring them. Garrity, meanwhile, tries to calm everyone down.

After about 10 minutes of grenade fire, Garrity orders the HOVs to land within 50 meters of the carnage. Almost 30 ravvers may be seen scattered about, the victims of concentrated doses of Amorphan. The unconscious ravvers are all grouped together, as it they were trying to escape the site. Bradford seems on the verge of tears as he views the scene.

As the group inspects the area, Garrity selects a ravver from among the unconscious for transport back to Oberlin. Cortes produces a large, collapsible polycarbon cage from HOV Two. It takes the combined efforts of everyone there to wrestle the unconscious ravver into the cage. Then, to ensure that the ravver stays unconscious, a gas mask of sorts is slipped over its cranium, and a tank of Amorphan is attached to the mask. Garrity explains to the characters that the mask is designed to keep the ravver asleep until they can fully study it back at Oberlin.


After securing the ravver to the top of HOV Two, the expedition begins the journey back to Oberlin Base. Everyone is in a somber mood, especially Bradford, who has been brooding ever since the fight.

Just as the expedition reaches the strait, however, disaster strikes. The character piloting HOV One will probably be the first to notice that the captive ravver is not unconscious anymore. In fact, it is trying to rip its way out of its cage, without much success.

The characters may lean out of their hatches and attempt to shoot the ravver but the task difficulty to hit is increased by one level as they attempt to hit a moving target from a moving position. If the HOV pilot succeeds at a task to keep the hovercraft steady, the difficulty may be lowered one level.

Task: To keep a hovercraft steady over water: Formidable. Hover Vehicle. Instant.

As the characters in HOV One watch, the ravver begins to rip through the thin armor on HOV Two's roof. Characters inside HOV Two can use their personal weapons against the ravver, but it will cease moving and appear to die just after it gains entry to the cabin.

Following their arrival at Oberlin, nearly everyone on the survey team (especially those in HOV Two) will be in a state of shock. Garrity orders an autopsy on the dead ravver.


The autopsy is complete by nightfall. The ravver apparently died of an overdose of Amorphan, Garrity says, but he doesn't know how or why it regained consciousness before it died. "In the meantime," he says, "we should all get some sleep."

Early the next day, Garrity summons everyone to the mess hall for the daily briefing. Garrity announces that the surveyors will spend the day collecting mineral samples since it will take another day for the EDiv technicians to manufacture another gas mask. He tells the characters that they may spend the day in whatever manner they wish.

The surveyors depart Oberlin at 1100 hours and are scheduled to return by 0100. Since the technicians will remain in their workshop the entire day, the characters may choose to search the base for clues as to what may have caused the disaster. The following task applies when searching for clues.

Task: To search surveyor's quarters for clues: Routine. Intelligence. 5 minutes.

The surveyors each have their own quarters. If one of the PCs succeeds at the first task when in Bradford's room, he will discover two important items. The first is a newspaper clipping from Earth, almost six months old.

The story on it concerns a renegade militant branch of the North American Research League (NARL) and its plan to destroy a genetic research facility in the Chinese Arm. The other is a small slip of paper with a single word written on it - betaphthenalycin-5.

Task: To learn about betaphthenalycin-5: Difficult. Computer and Information Gathering. 2 minutes.

The characters may use the base computer to learn more about beta-5. If they are successful, they will learn that beta-5 is an extremely potent psychoactive agent, banned from use almost a century ago.

Additional detective work may lead the characters to Garrity's autopsy report on the dead ravver. One of his notations reads, "Unknown agent present. Unable to identify. Psychoactive?"

The characters may deduce that an unknown amount of beta-5 was somehow introduced into the Amorphan which the ravver was breathing. Bradford seems to be the most likely suspect.


Just as the characters are finishing their investigation into the mysterious beta-5, a call comes in over the radio. It is Cortes, calling for the characters to bring first aid and fire control equipment to the main base area immediately.

As the characters arrive outside with the equipment, the two HOVs land in the main area. Large quantities of Amorphan gas are billowing from HOV One. The characters should waste no time in evacuating the personnel from the hovercraft. Garrity and Cortes are basically unhurt but are in severe pain, while Marronne has been rendered unconscious by the gas. Bradford, Christmann, and de Leuw in the other HOV are unharmed. After resting for a few minutes, Garrity explains to the party that just after the HOVs began to return over the strait to Oberlin, the box of grenades in the rear of the HOV exploded, flooding the compartment with gas. Marronne was the first to succumb. She fell on top of the container, slowing the flow of gas to the front of the HOV. Garrity doesn't have an explanation of why the grenades exploded.


At the briefing the next day, Garrity announces that another attempt to capture a ravver will be made. Marronne, he explains, will remain at the base to recuperate, but enough personnel will be left to make the capture. The EDiv technicians produce the completed mask, and after it checks out, Garrity gives it to the characters to protect.

The survey departs Oberlin by 1200. The plan is to locate another ravver pack, gas it into submission, and capture another ravver. Only an hour of searching is required before a pack is located on the HOV One's radar.

As the two HOVs prepare to make their runs through the ravver pack, HOV One's engine suddenly fails: It is impossible to restart it in the half-second before the vehicle crash lands several thousand meters from the pack.


The PCs and surveyors in HOV One stand a good chance of being injured in the crash. It is a task to avoid injury.

Task: To avoid injury in a hovercraft crash: Routine. Endurance. Instant.

Failure means the character or surveyor receives a DPV 0.2 hit to a random part of the body. Nobody should be killed by this, however.

It should be obvious to the personnel in HOV Two that unless they are rescued, those in HOV One stand a good chance of becoming a ravver pack's meal. HOV Two will have to land, and most, if not all, of its personnel will have to disembark to help the occupants of HOV One out of their wrecked vehicle. During the rescue operation, de Leuw (aboard HOV One at the time of the crash) will go to HOV Two to get some first aid supplies. Unfortunately for the characters, she will then proceed to start HOV Two's engines and leave the characters and the rest of the survey team. She will use an ST-1, filched from HOV Two earlier, to speedily take out anyone still in the vehicle, pitching unconscious people out the door.

The team is in desperate trouble, with ravvers only a few kilometers away. They have several options.

Radio for Help: Although the technicians back at Oberlin do not have a vehicle, they can radio the Saca and summon a rescue vehicle. It will take time to arrive, though, so the characters may need to take other actions in the meantime.

Hole Up In HOV One: The vehicle's armor is quite thin, and the characters might find themselves trapped inside, so this is probably not a good choice.

Arm Themselves: Some of the characters might have personal weapons aboard HOV One. For those who don't, two ST-1s may be found in each of HOV One's two emergency kits (four total). Even so armed, the characters may see the approaching herd as formidable and combat as potentially disastrous.

Run: Unless the characters have developed a super weapon for use against the ravvers, this option is recommended. If the characters exercise this option, they will probably want to run west, away from the approaching pack.


After approximately 20 minutes of running, roll randomly for one member of the team to trip on a tree root, spraining his ankle. As the characters help the individual to his feet, an enormous ravver suddenly appears from behind a tree and attacks. Although the characters don't realize it, the ravver is an alpha male, scouting ahead for the pack. Gunfire will probably have little effect on the creature, due to its thick armor.

If an ST-1 is used, however, the effect will be surprising. Despite the huge bulk of the ravver, it will begin to spasm uncontrollably before falling to the ground moments later, apparently dead.

After another 10 minutes of game time, the party is spotted by the landing craft from the Saca (if they radioed for help). The pilot explains, rather quickly, that the team must move to a clearing two kilometers to the north in order to be picked up. He also informs them that a large pack is moving toward them at high speed.

The next clash with the ravvers will be a running battle, with the characters forming a rear guard to hold off the ravvers. Eventually, though, the party will reach the clearing, just in time to rendezvous with the landing craft. On board they meet the U.S. marshal and his squad of officers, on his way down to open an official investigation into the events of the past few days.


As the craft now heads back to Oberlin, the story finally unfolds. After the characters describe de Leuw and her behavior, the marshal's face lights up, and he quickly consults his portacomp. According to his files, Katherine de Leuw is the real saboteur. "Eight months ago, her friends tried to blow up the Manchurian genetics research labs on Chengdu. The local police arrested them before they got away with it, and her name and face came up in the investigation. The name her friends know her by is Jean Lyles - apparently, she's been in deep cover at AECA for several years now." Quickly, he radios the Saca to order her apprehension.

If asked about Bradford, the marshal replies, "He's NARL, all right, but he's been on her trail for some time now. NARL fears being connected with terrorism of any kind, nowadays, and they wanted to track her down and turn her over to us. She and her group don't stop at anything."

Arresting de Leuw is another matter entirely. When the characters arrive at Oberlin, they are told by the EDiv technicians that de Leuw has taken Marronne hostage and is holding her in the mess hall, demanding transportation to Tirane.

Because the characters know the mess hall better than his men do and because they are officially AECA field personnel, the marshal assigns the characters to take out de Leuw while his men distract her.

While the marshal and his men negotiate with de Leuw, the characters should attempt to move around behind and incapacitate her. An ST-1 would be an ideal weapon for this task - after all, they can't risk inadvertently killing Marronne, and de Leuw probably has access to much that the police would like to know.

Following de Leuw's incapacitation and subsequent capture, she is herded aboard a landing craft, which is preparing for the trip to Ellis. Marronne is unharmed and relieved to see the characters safe.

Any character paying attention to the surprising effects of the ST-1 on the alpha male ravver will have important information for AECA - how to neutralize the ravvers without destroying them. Something as simple as an electric fence will keep them at bay, especially if it duplicates a signature associated with the boundary markers of a very large, very powerful alpha male. Smaller ravvers will stay away in droves.

This article is dedicated to Dave and Annette. - Clay Johanson

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First Online: 1997 Jun 03
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