Pentapod's World of 2300AD This is a great little adventure with which to introduce your players ( and their characters) to the seamy blackmarket underworld.  My thanks to Matthew for granting permission for me to host his revised article on my web site. - Kevin Clark - Jul 4th, 2000.

Hot Stuff

by Matthew S. Prager
( msprager AT hotmail DOT com )

Copyright ©1990, 2000 Matthew S. Prager.  All Rights Reserved.
Originally published in Challenge magazine #45.

HTML layout/editing by Kevin Clark
( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )
Please report errors to me.

Disclaimer required by Far Future Enterprises: This item is not authorized or endorsed by Far Future Enterprises ( FFE) and is used without permission. The item is for personal use only. Any use of FFE's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, this item cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author ( Matthew S. Prager).


A 2300 AD/cybertech scenario for 1-5 players.  At least one should be a cyberjockey or electronics specialist.  This scenario can take place in any major U.S. city.

It had been a quiet night.  I was making my usual round of the clubs, on the look out for anything that might prove interesting.  I could feel the 'biz in the air, deals being made, items bought and sold.  I hadn't seen or heard anything of interest, until Jimmy D walked up.  He normally dealt in hot equipment, but he had this interesting piece of software that he wanted to sell.  How could I have known what I was getting into?

The player characters are out on the town looking for some action when they are approached by Jimmy D, a local black market 'wareman.  He has got a few items he is trying to move, but they all seem like pretty ordinary stuff.  When the characters show a lack of interest, he mentions that he has something special that he just picked up.  He will not talk about it, but he will invite the group to his place the next day.

Jimmy D works out of his home, a flat on the 11th floor of a 20-floor housing complex.  When the player characters arrive, they will see that he uses an augmented security system to protect his home ( see the floor plan provided at the end of this article).  Once inside, Jimmy D will show them an unusual piece of software that he has acquired.  It is a black, ribbed, plastic cartridge with no exterior markings and a nonstandard interface.  Jimmy does not know what it is -- he picked it up a few days ago with some other items he fenced.

If the PCs ask to see the items it came with, Jimmy D will produce a cloth brief case and leather wallet.  The briefcase has dark red stains on it and contains papers in French -- business documents of no particular value dealing with a fast food chain.  The wallet contains a couple of bank cards, as well as a passport and other identification.  The owner's name was Jon-Claude LaRoque, a French businessman visiting the U.S.  Jimmy D does not know what happened to the man, only that a couple of punk kids wanted to fence the stuff.  Jimmy D offers the software for sale at a price of Lv1500.

The French businessman was a DGSE agent who had stolen the cartridge from a U.S. company and was attempting to return to France.  He was mugged by a gang of juveniles and lost it.  He will continue to try to recover the cartridge with whatever force is necessary.

That software was certainly interesting.  Funny thing though, after I bought it I asked Jimmy where I could find the two punks that sold it to him.  He said he heard someone found their bodies in an alley downtown.  That kind of stuff happens all the time, what with gangs and all, but I should have realized it was more than coincidental.


Once the characters have obtained the software, they will have to modify the cartridge to allow its information to be accessed, then figure out what the software is.  In order to dismantle and modify the cartridge an advanced electronics lab ( consisting of microwaldo systems, scanning microscopes, and diagnostic test equipment) will be required for delicate electronic work.  If the characters do not have access to this sort of equipment, which costs Lv10,000 and fills a large table top, they will have to hire a hardware tech to do the modification.  If they have the equipment, modifying the cartridge is a task:

Task: To modify cartridge.  Difficult.  Electronics.  3 hours.

While the cartridge is disassembled, the characters will find that the components carry a manufacturer's identification -- DataCorp.  If the characters wish to research this company, they will have to successfully complete the following task:

Task: To research DataCorp.  Routine.  Information Gathering.  4 hours.

If successful the characters find out that DataCorp is a company in the U.S. that specializes in cyberspace programming and research, generally working on government projects or for megacorporations.

After being modified, the cartridge can be interfaced with any standard cyberdeck and is similar to using a Second String.  Once the cartridge is interfaced, the characters can attempt to find out what it is.

Task: To determine software type.  Difficult.  Computer.  30 minutes.

If they successfully determine the software type, the characters will realize they have in their possession a military ICE ( Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) breaker.  The software is called CHAMELEON and adds the following modifiers to a cyberdeck's stats: +16 Accuracy, +10 Defense, +10 Offense.

This software allows the user to sneak into a system without being detected, raid the system's volume, and run.  This is a one-shot program which can be run at the same time as any other program or programs.  It has an internal volume of 30 and is connected in the same manner as a Second String.  Price: Unavailable.


Within 48 hours of purchasing the cartridge, the characters will learn that Jimmy D's place has been broken into and that he has gone into hiding.  Also, if the characters hired a hardware tech to modify the cartridge, they will find out that the tech has been attacked by unknown assailants and is in the hospital.

The party is now being followed by LaRoque, who has traced them through Jimmy D and any others they have contacted.  He will wait until the party is separated, at which time he will attack lone individuals in order to retrieve the cartridge.

Task: To notice pursuer.  Formidable.  Streetwise.  Instant.

If the characters realize they are being followed and try to capture LaRoque, a firefight will ensue.  LaRoque is an Elite NPC armed with a silenced Stracher P-11mm and two extra magazines.  If the characters manage to capture LaRoque alive, he will not willingly answer questions.  If the characters are very skillful at Interviewing and/or Psychology ( or resort to torture or drugs), they will learn that he is a field agent for the DGSE and that his mission was to steal the software from the U.S. military development program.  If LaRoque is killed, the characters may recognize him from documents at Jimmy D's.  Either way, the case will be picked up by another DGSE agent, who will continue to try to recover the software.


The PCs have several options.  They can keep the software and run for it, hoping to use it later for themselves.  Or they can attempt to sell it to the French or anyone else, or try to return it to the U.S. military authorities.  Regardless of what they do, the PCs are now marked by the DGSE, which could continue to harass them in the future.


The Direction Generale de la Securité Exteriure ( DGSE) is a French military intelligence organization which is divided into three directorates.  The first directorate deals with the collection and analysis of foreign intelligence, while the second is responsible for counter-espionage outside of France and her colonies.  The third directorate plans and conducts political/military operations abroad, specifically in former French colonies that have gained independence.  The third directorate normally has access to French military troops.  The DGSE was created in 1981 to replace the Service de Documentation Exteriure et de Contre-Espionage ( SDECE) and maintains a reputation as one of the best intelligence agencies in operation.  The DGSE normally works out of a country's French Embassy, but it has also been known to use various business fronts.


The following NPCs might be useful.

Jimmy D: Jimmy D is a small-time fence who specializes in electronic hardware and computers.  Ordinarily, he fences stolen items for various street gangs, but he will sell anything, including his friends, for a price.  Although he normally deals in ordinary items on a small scale, he considers himself one of the movers and shakers of the local black market and is constantly talking about his "big score".  NPC Motivation Results: Diamond 6, Spade 2.

Jon-Claude LaRoque: An agent for the DGSE, Jon-Claude is fiercely loyal to France and the agency, and will do whatever is necessary to complete his mission.  He is a very determined person and is not above using extreme violence in accomplishing his goal.  NPC Motivation Results: Spade Queen, Heart 5.

Jimmy D's Apartment

Jimmy D's apartment has been equipped with extensive security equipment in order to protect him and his merchandise.  Jimmy D carries a beeper that will go off when his security system is triggered.

The doorway and terrace have pressure sensors (A) located in the floor to alert those inside of the presence of a possible intruder outside.

The door to the apartment (B) is a security door.  It logs the face, voice print, pheromone signature, and retina print of all persons entering or who try to enter ( This function can be disabled by placing the door in privacy mode).  Information that is logged can later be recalled to a computer terminal in order to run an identification check on an individual.  The door contains an integral intercom and voice/handprint analyzer lock system.  An advanced option also scans for the presence of weapons or cybernetic implants.

All doors and windows are equipped with infra-red intrusion sensors (C).  These are linked to a security gas system ( unlicenced) loaded with Doze.

Sensuppress units are spaced in an efficient coverage pattern throughout the apartment, and Jimmy D regularly scans the premises for bugs.

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First Online: 2000 Jul 04
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Website maintained by: Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )