Music is a large part of my life. I played saxophone in high school. I then went on to college as a music theory major, learned flute and clarinet and promptly drank my way out of college. My musical performance has since waned due to lack of practice. I recently have picked it up again, and also have been trying to learn electric guitar. I listen to all kinds of music, but prefer all types of rock, jazz and blues.

Music Links

The Tragically Hip
- A great canadian band that hasn't quit made it.

The Beat Farmers
- A San DIego Band that is no more due to the death of drummer and part time lead singer, Country Dick Montana.

The Offspring
- A favored punk band of mine right now.

- 70's hard rock at it's finest.
- Amusing data base of misheard song lyrics.

- Great place to buy hard to find CD's.

Mojon Nixon - a Libertarian Troubador

Internet Movie Data Base - The most complete movie data base in existence.

Jethro Tull - Classic Rock, Flutes, Celtic influences. What more could you ask for?

Michelle Shocked - Texas Punk Rock Riot Grrl Folk Singer. REALLY!

Stanley Jordan - Jazz Guitarist Extrodinaire

Too Slim and the Tail Draggers - Blues Band out of Spokane Washington

Starchief - Local Rock Band - Friends of my. Check out the photos. Chop Suey Pics from 04/08/04

My Brush with Musical Greatness.

I went to high school with one Adam Kasper, who works at Bad Animals Studios in Seattle. He is known as the engineer of many Seattle band albums. He has produced Sound Garden and Pearl Jam, among others. He has also done work on the 'Bill Nye - The Science Guy' T.V. program. If you ever see the episode about sound, he is the freaky looking guy at the sound console. We used to have 6th period study hall together. We used to sneak out on the pretense of going to the band room to practice. In actuality, we would go get stoned in his 72 Plymouth Duster and go to the Mall and play Robotron. The lady in charge of study hall always suspected we were skipping, but could never catch us. SO if you read this, Durk, you were right, we were skipping out.

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