Human Strategy

Humans and Orcs are basically the same. They both have equal amounts of strength and armor. However they both have advanced units. Which are very different. These units can decide the out come of the battle. On this page i will discuss basic tatics for all those advanced units, on which you can formulate your own attack or defense.


Paladins are really just Knights with spells. However these spells can be useful if used correctly. The spell "Heal" is most useless in the middle of a fight. First fights happen too fast. Second you can only see who needs to be healed by clicking on that Paladin. But after the fight "Heal" is really quite useful it allows you to regenerate and counter attack. Paladins are hard to use to attack and defend against "Blood Lusted" Ogres. To deal with this problem you must attack their troops before they can "Lust". Use Flying machines or the Paladins Far seeing spell to locate their attack party (most people find a spot near their enemy to "Lust") Then simply attack that group before they all become "Blood Lusted."

Demo Teams

Demo Teams are a very good way of harrassing the enemy. I use them to kill farms and towers. Without farms your enemy cannot produce troops, and they will waste resouces replacing them. Demo Teams are also useful for taking out smiths and stables. What I like to do is kill their men with Demo Teams. Most people keep their men grouped together. Just target a part and you will kill between 1-3 men. This is really annoying and will widdle away their army. The best defense against Demo Teams is to build a ton of towers and have men patrol around your base. This should rid you of any troubles from Demo Teams.


Gryphons are very useful. Some people hate'em and some love'em. I use them if the game lasts long enough. Gryphons are useful for general harassment. Such as attacking their peons, sub hunting, driving away enemy Flying Machines or scattering their troops before you attack. Gryphons however are very vulnerable to towers, "Bloodlusted" Trolls, and Death Knights I would advise against racing to get them like you would mages, because they are expensive and train slowly. To defend against Gryphons build towers around vulnerable areas that fliers can reach, and before you have Death Knights keep 5 Trolls around to deal with any Gryphons. When you get Death Knights simply "Death an Decay" them because they are to slow to move out of the way in time.


Mages are the most useful units in the game. In my opion you can not win without mages. Mages have many spells but I will only discuss the most used ones. "Blizzard" is the most used spell. It can be used to kill peons mining gold or chopping lumber. You can use it to kill walled in towers or whole groups of buildings. "Invisobility" is also extremly useful. With this spell no matter how well defended the enemy's base is you can always get in. then you can wreak havoc on a massive scale. Most people use what is called a mage bomb. What you do is put "Inviso" on a mage and send him to the emeny's peon line at their gold mine. Then let loose with "Blizzard" you will kill many if not all your enemy's peons. Or you can use what I call "a pain in the butt." What you do is take 2 mages and send them close to your enemys town. Find a large group of troops and have 1 mage cast "Blizzard" on them. Have the other mage stand behind the first. When the group of enemys troops comes at your mage cast "Blizzard" on it using the 2nd mage. While the enemy is killing the 1st mage they will be killed by the spell of the 2nd. Sacrificing a mage is well worth killing a large amount of enemy troops.

Strategys submited by Warcraft2 fans

This one submitted by Aries

build four farms around a cannon tower touching your town hall. to destroy this tower the Enemy must first destroy your farm and can still only get one guy into attack the tower...this makes a big difference in battles which you keep near the tower. You can try to draw attacking enemies within the range of the tower before engaging in battle. sounds useless but it can be really helpful.

This one submitted by Jacob the Orc Killer

in the level when you have to escort U.Lightbringer just get all tha naval attacking units to wipe out their naval fleet. Then get all your transports to go to UL and put him in the 1 with most health. then bring him down to the circle of power.

no name given for this strat

Eveyone takes for granted the power of a farm use them for defense and you won't lose so many guys

If you have any Strategys e-mail them to me and I will try to post them

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