Warcraft Leagues

There are two major Warcraft Leagues. There are several smaller ones but finding games for them may be difficult. Most leagues also require that you have kali. . So I will discuss the two major ones.

Cases Internet Gaming Ladder

This league or ladder deals with all games that work on kali. There are two Warcraft ladders to be found at this sight (single and team). I am a member of the singles ladder. This is a very easy ladder to join, and the people on it are very good. I recomend that if you want to try a league out, join this one first to see if you like it. I enjoy It because it pits me against people of my own skill level. This leads to very exciting and hard fought battles.

National Warcraft 2 League

This league adds a feeling of team to Warcraft. In this league you must apply to a clan or nation and I have heard that you may have to try out too. Clans are ranked by wins. You can always play the race of your choice even if it doesn't match your clan name. Clans may also declare wars on other clans and, each clan elects their own leader. This league is harder to get into. However they do have a farm which is easy to join and, if you do well you may be drafted into a clan. Since I ws never a member vistit their homepage for more info.

If you have info on the leagues listed or any others please e-mail me.

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