Kendra Wind

Primogen of the children of Malkav

Hello. My name is Kendra. My last name is Wind, but no one really ever uses both names. Most people don't even bother learning it. But I introduce myself here with both names as a matter of etiquette. But, past this, I am really not one for discussing myself, as I do not speak and thus communicate when I need to, not idly. Also, I am really nobody important.

I enjoy reading and welcome the search for knowledge both mundane and spiritual. Any help is always appreciated.

I am primogen of the children of Malkav in the city of Buffalo. They are a respectable, reputable and fun group. And they are not half as flaky as those I first knew. I have only been a child of Malkav for about eight years, but I have found here a greater love and friendship than I ever knew in my before-life. Let us all take time to remember dear Rebecca at this point in my little blurb.

Past that, most people ask "Why are you here?", "What do you do?" or some other inane question. I repeat. I am Kendra. I search for knowledge. Many of you have opened your minds to me and have shown and taught me a great deal. Also, I have a knack for finding things out. But, that is my love- information. If that does not answer your question, come talk to me sometime. You will need to listen carefully, though.

(To Paraphrase..)
"Who knows what evil lurks......Kendra knows..."

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