Hello, I'm Meg

This is supposed to tell you about me.

Hello, I'm Meg. I am the Brujah primogen in this city, though I am afraid I may not be for long. You see, it is no secret that the prince does not like me. But anyway. So you know who I am, I am the one on top in this picture,

and I came to this crazy cold city to seek out my leader, James McGrath, who is dead now and I'm still here. The irony could just kill you. Here's a picture of him too, in case anyone out there knows the truth about what happened to him.

UPDATE::: 3/20/00
Well, the prince seems to think I am ok now, from what I can tell. But, a couple of my own clan don't like me. That's ok by me, but annoying. One of them could be a real benefit to the clan, but she won't do what she is told. Another just says that he thinks he could be a better primogen. Yeah, maybe. This is my duty and I will do it as best I can. That's all. For those who care, I am sorry that they don't respect me more, but that is to be expected.

UPDATE::: 6/00
The prince must have thought her a big enough threat, or he was just crazy, but she's dead and gone too. On to bigger and better, but it was fun while it lasted.

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