My Life

the life that I know

Well here's some more about me. I was born a coal miner's daugher... oops wrong story :) hehehe. William Maynard Rouseau, which is me :), was born in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, a small reservation community on August 14, 1980. I was raised since birth until I was 8 in an even smaller town of under 100 people called White Horse, SD. Now, I am living in a bigger town of under 4,000 in Mobridge, SD. I grew up on country music(from my mom) and rock(from my bro). Now I'm into all kinds of music, but I like techno music. I have one brother at the age of 22, and a cat at the age of 4 :). I have a few of best friends around town that I see almost every day, Leo and Greg are one of my closest friends, along with Tim and a few others. Leo has his saying of "what's up cool guy?". Greg has a little saying of, "have a day." Tim, I don't know about him.

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