Heeeeeey! I got my scanner fixed so I scanned all my best stuff up here! Now it's time to work on my Spice Girls page! E-mail me with some ideas of stuff to draw or something.. I'll try my best to draw it. Well, enjoy!
Name: Ryu
Structural Integrity
Neck: 90.125
Chest: 85.43
Face: 90.34
Skin: 85.465
Skeletal: 88.23
Deltoid: 91.684
Greater Pectorial: 90.42
Biceps of Arm: 90.633
Brachial: 90.365
Round Pronater: 90.315
Brachioradialts: 97.352
Long Palmar: 95.46
Short Palmar: 94.573
Ulnar Flexer: 95.34
Ulnar Extensor: 96.54
Common Extensor: 97.12

Lung Capacity: 90.248
Eyesight: 60.894
Audition: 95.418
Dynamic Eyesight: 97.661
Metabolism: 96.813
Neuroreflex: 98.153
Offensive Str.: 85.682
Defensive Capa.: 90.459
Max Offensive: 85.372
Recoverability: 95.493
Speed: 90.348
Perserverance: 90.159
Objectivity: 90.684
Perception: 90.598
Judgement: 85.442
Leadership: 83.184
Potential Fighting Capacity: 3620

Name: Sagat
Structural Integrity
Neck: 90.205
Chest: 93.003
Face: 90.02
Skin: 90.1
Skeletal: 92.02
Deltoid: 97.015
Greater Pectorial: 97.655
Biceps of Arm: 96.47
Brachial: 96.415
Round Pronater: 95.205
Brachioradialts: 98.215
Long Palmar: 98.25
Short Palmar: 96.38
Ulnar Flexer: 98.4
Ulnar Extensor: 97.795
Common Extensor: 99.39

Lung Capacity: 92.458
Eyesight: 40.785
Audition: 91.154
Dynamic Eyesight: 90.317
Metabolism: 92.794
Neuroreflex: 97.369
Offensive Str.: 90.598
Defensive Capa.: 85.489
Max Offensive: 90.467
Recoverability: 80.337
Speed: 85.624
Perserverence: 65.105
Objectivity: 50.049
Perception: 65.21
Judgement: 75.401
Leadership: 80.453
Potential Fighting Capacity: 3500

Name: Cloud Strife
Age: 21
Job: Former SOLDIER member, mercenary
Weapon: Sword
Height: 5'7''
Birthdate: August 19
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Blood Type: AB
The main character in Final Fantasy VII.(copyright and trademark SquareSoft Co. Ltd.) Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job. After being hired by AVALANCHE, he gradually gets caught up in a massive struggle for the life of the planet. His enormous sword can cut almost anything in two.

Cloud again,on his phat bike, the Hartey Daytona (made by the Shin-Ra of course) which he stole from them in escaping from Midgar with Aeris and the others. He is holding the sword, the Hardedge, which you can steal from the SOLDIER 3rd's in the Shin-Ra building.

And here we have a picture of Rockman. I know, I know.. most of you are thinking "Rockman? Who the hell is Rockman?? This is MegaMan!" But.. you're wrong! The japanese originally called the cleaning robot Rock, to match his sister, Roll. (Rock n' Roll, get it? haha) When Dr. Light turned Rock into what we know as MegaMan, he was ORIGINALLY called RockMan, but of course, we just HAD to change the name when we got the game over here to America...

This is the Bio-Booster Armor Guyver. This is one of my favorite animes and one of my favorite mangas as well! The armor is alive (kinda)and it bonds with a host. Then whenever it senses danger to the host or the host calls it, it comes from another dimension and merges with the host to make it a fighting force that can not be defeated. Also, a Guyver can never die, unless the unit is removed from the host using a unit remover... Pictured is the first of three different forms of the Unit G that was found on the Earth in the B-59 (I think) incident. The first unit (the one here) merged with a high school boy named Sho Fukamachi. Unit 2 merged with a member of the evil corporation that was trying to use the guyvers to conquer the world and eventually find the aliens that created mankind. His name was Oswald A. Lisker. The third unit merged with one of Sho's high school friends and the president of their school council, Agito Makashima.

This handsome fellow is from a manga called Riot! and he is sooo cool! His name is the Lion King and he fights with this way cool sword! It is big like Cloud's (has anyone noticed I like swords? Big BIG swords???) anyway.. he like, kills people with it and stuff.. he's cool! (Also, people say I look like him when I don't shave for 2 weeks.. thanks guys!)

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