The 7th Saga Room


The 7th Saga, an RPG on SNES, is widely unknown and very underated. It was created in part by Akira Toriyama, the mastermind behind Dragon Ball and ChronoTrigger to name a couple of his greatest works. As you begin the game you must choose between seven characters with varying abilities and goals. You and the six other characters have been gathered by King Lemele, a seemingly wise and peaceful ruler of his kingdom. You are sent to collect the seven runes each of which has a powerful magic. Legends say that when brought together, the seven runes will grant ultimate power to their posessor. This game has an very unique trait; unlike other prominant RPG's, such as Final Fantasy 6, in the 7th Saga there is a sense of risk and reality. You are alone in a dangerous and confusing world sparsely populated with warring kingdoms and isolated villages. As for the other six warriors, alliances are temporary and treachery is inevitable; only one can posess the seven runes in the end. No matter which character you select the others will be stronger and if you are defeated by one of them, they will take all the runes you'd worked so hard to obtain and half of your gold. Surviving in Ticondera takes strategy and patience.

Kamil Olvan Esuna Wilme Lux Valsu Lejes

