To Gavania

All is cold and dark. You feel numb. Suddenly, you explode into a world of color and sound. The air whistles past you in a steady rythem, up and down along with the beating wings of the dragon you ride. For a few moments, you just enjoy the sensation. Then you look down. The ground is rising up towards you at an alarming rate. Spread out on its face is a castle, no..a palace. The palace is huge! It sprawls over the low hills like some giant white creature. You can almost hear it breathing. You continue to stare as the dragon banks and lands neatly next to the towering front gates.

As soon as the dragon touches ground, Evend and Silvanon both hop off. You follow more slowly, still a bit bemused by your ride. A small party of people is waiting beside the gate. Evend calls to them, and they come forward to meet him. Converstation is already in full swing by the time you mangage to wobble over. Evend turns to you and says, Seashell"I have duties to attend to here, and Silvanon needs to return to Allonia, so neither of us will be able to show you around. However, Raidly here has agreed to act as a guide for you. You're an offical guest, so feel free to wander where ever you wish. Oh, I almost forgot." Evend hands you a small sea-shell. If you ever get lost or tired, just rub this and it will bring you back here."

With that, Evend walks off, leaving you with Raidly. You take a quick moment to look your guide over. He's a young man, about 16 or 17 you'd say. He has short brown hair, and quiet brown eyes. He smiles when he sees you looking at him. Silvanon taps you on the shoulder, breaking the train of your thoughts. "You can stay here to explore," she tells you, "or you can return with me to Allonia. Be forewarned, Gavania is complex, and it may take time to discover everything."

The palace gates are invitingly open. There's a forest behind the palace that looks intersting too, and just over the western horizon is a small town.

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