Final Fantasy VII Character Profiles

For those of you that have never played the game before, or for people like me who like to read about their favorite game, here are some character profiles for Final Fantasy VII. I put Aeris first since she's my favorite. The ones who don't have pictures will have them shortly.

Name: Aeris Gainsbourough

Aeris is quite a mysterious figure. A city flower girl, she saved Cloud from a near death. She has great healing powers and attacks enemies with her staff. The Shinra, led by the scientist Hojo, are after her because she is the last of the ancient race known as the Cetra. She adores Cloud and gets along well with everyone.

Name: Cloud Strife

Cloud is the heartthrob of all the ladies. He has been friends with Tifa since his early childhood. Leaving his hometown at a young age, he joined SOLDIER in hopes of becoming like the legendary Sephiroth. He quit SOLDIER and joined AVALANCHE, meeting up with his longtime pal Tifa and her friend Barett. His gargantuan sword, which could chop anything to bits, helps him on his quest to save the planet. Cloud is a cocky lad who can't distinguish between reality and imagination, but he is nonetheless awesome.

Name: Vincent Valentine
Vincent is another enigma. He was placed in a coffin in the basment of the Shinra mansion as a punishment... for what, nobody is certain. He agrees to join AVALANCHE because he holds a grudge against Hojo. He uses a powerful handgun to blast enemies away. A long time ago, his physical makeup was altered so that he can now transform into different beasts. He is quite secretive, but also a gentleman.

Name: Cait Sith
Cait Sith is your ordinary, lovable kitty- except that he rides on the back of a giant stuffed mog he brought to life and tells cheesy fortunes at the Gold Saucer. He may be a bit shady, but he's on your side- maybe. His loyalty is questionable, and he always seems to know what the Shinra are up to. The wide fists of his mog become a weapon in battle. Also, his dice and slots attacks that he calls with his megaphone can decimate the enemy. This cute but deceptive cat is an amusing ally.

Name: Red XIII
This fiery red beast hails from Cosmo Canyon, home of the study of planet life. His real name is Nanaki. His grandfather, Bugenhagen, is a wise old man who heads up the study of planet life. Red XIII was captured by Hojo to use in an experiment, and is rescued by AVALANCHE. He agrees to stay on with them until he reaches the canyon. But once he is there, after learning about hi past, he decides to join permanently. His vicious attecks with teeh, claws, and metal clip are extremely powerful. He is a faithful companion who is wise beyond his years.

Name: Tifa Lockheart
Tifa, the owner of a bar and Cloud's childhood friend, is very powerful despit her appearance. She can take down any evildoer with her fists. She, like Aeris, also has a crush on Cloud, but she is a little reluctant to act on it. She knows that something is wrong with Cloud, but can't figure out what it is. Sweet as a rose, Tifa is liked by all.

Name: Barett Wallace
Even though big, burly Barret may seem menacing, he has a soft spot for his daughter, Marlene. He and Tifa run AVALANCHE out of Tifa's bar, 7th Heaven. Barett doesn't trust Cloud at first, but, like everyone, he grows to like the spikey- headed kid. His gun-arm mows down the bad guys like sitting ducks. He, too, has had a troubled past, his hometown of Corel having burned down. Barett is a great leader, even if he is hotheaded.

Name: Cid Highwind

Cid is an old pilot who dreams of going into outer space. The Shinra have taken away his dreams of flying more than once. He is very warmhearted, but holds a grudge against Shera, his assistaint, for ruining the launch of his rocket. He decides to join Cloud and the other "numskulls" after Shinra tries to hijack his plane. He attacks with a sharp spear. Cid is courageous and kind, a great guy to have on your side.

Name: Yuffie Kisaragi
Yuffie is a sly ninja from Wutai. She joins the group with a definite alterior motive. Her goofy antics and cute looks will keep you laughing. Her ninja star proves very useful against the opposition. Even though she is deceptive, she pulls through in the end.