Strategy and tips

Foot Guy's Deadly Tactic against other players

    1. If you are playing as a Foot Guy, and it happens that almost every
other player is busy attacking each other, go get the nova bomb so that they
cannot use it on you, and hide behind one of the four towers. The other
players have damaged themselves already, and finally maybe one will head
toward you (By looking at your radar or screen) hoping for a easy kill.
However, he cannot be sure which tower you are behind, and he has no nova
bombs to aim in a general area, so he will go blundering around the towers
looking for you. When he hunts around for you, shoot him once or twice, and
move to the back of another tower. Repeat the process, but don't use your
nova bomb. Only use it on another player only if he uses a Foot Guy, because
he can find you easily, and can wear you don't easily. Most Foot Guys attack
the other Foot Guy head on, and even with the nova bomb they get badly
injured. Therefore, you should stand behind a tower, and wait until he is
really close to the tower. When he is right about to find you, shoot the
bomb into the tower, and the explosion will injure him greatly, and he will
run into a bomb cloud, reducing his vision. Then just shoot a couple lasers
on him, killing him, and getting away unscathed or minorly damaged. If
someone is using a tank, get the nova bomb so he can't use it, or just
intercept him from a distance, and shoot at him while you run. Follow him
from behind, and you get a very easy kill.

More Arwing Deadly Tactics

    If someone is following you, and you cannot shake him, (best done in
Sector X battle mode) get him to tail you very closely, and do a U-Turn
through a piece of debris. The player is usually so intent on killing you
that he does not see the piece of debris, and runs into it. Strangely
enough, during the first 1 and 1/2 seconds of the U-Turn, if you run into a
building, you will pass through it unhurt! If somebody is tailing you, has a
bomb, or just wants to kill you, and he is an expert like Edward Lee and
Dean Jan, (Hahah) then head toward the border line that warps you to the
other side. Do not boost toward it, and try the evasion tactics I mentioned
earlier and in the future during that time. When you reach the border, go
very close to it, so you are just one boost away from warping to the other
side. If somebody locks a bomb, or homing laser, or shooting you, boost the
last distance to the other side. The lock is broken, and the bomb, etc. goes
astray. You are also off his screen. This is a great tactic for Battle Royal
Mode, because it keeps you alive. If you are fighting a Landmaster Tank, try
attacking it from the back. If you have a nova bomb, first veer very close
to the ground, and then shoot the bomb into the ground very near to the
tank. The tank will not know it is coming since you did not lock on, and you
attacked from behind. Then finish it with lasers, while barrel rolling or
repeat. Remember to take advantage of the Arwings faster speed. If you do
not have the nova bomb, try to veer down close to him from the back, and
manually shoot charge up lasers unto the ground next to him. Since you can
shoot another charge up laser once the original has exploded, and since you
are so close to the ground when you do it, you can fire the charge ups like
rapid fire, killing them quite quickly. You might want to brake while doing
this, or save your boost meter just in case there is a emergency.

General Deadly Tactics

    Remember that when in battle mode, only arwings can break their wings,
and permanently lose double lasers. Try breaking your opponents wings off in
Battle Royal. Also in Katina time trial, you probably want to play as Foot
Guy only if you are using Peppy, because he blends into the Katina ground
color, while no one else really does. Since there is little shelter from the
arwings, beware Landmaster Tanks, and Foot Guys!

1. In every single battle, you should have the view the widest, because you can now see what is tailing you, and it gives you more sight to either side. 2. A loop takes two seconds to preform, and a U-Turn takes three seconds to preform. Therefore, if you are following somebody, and they loop, you should barrel roll sharply to the left (most go right, so go left), and look at his screen when you are doing so. When he is finished preforming the loop, he cannot see you, because you barrel turned. Loop right when he is finished looping, (Remember, you a distance away from the barrel rolls to the left) because he will head toward your general direction. Since you are already almost finished with the loop, you will fall directly behind him. Have fun attacking him. If you are following a guy, and he U-Turns, do a really sharp barrel roll turn toward the direction he is heading. Since a U-Turn takes three seconds to preform, and to turn all the way around using barrel rolls takes about two seconds, you will remain behind him with full boost, while his boost meter is lowered alot, and he can't boost away from any nova bombs or lasers you have! 3. A double laser powerup is not more powerful than the single laser powerup. Most people are fooled into thinking that it is, but it just improves accuracy. If you are a good shot though, then go get the nova bomb. 4. The Landmaster Tank can take more hits and charge ups than the Arwing or Foot Guy. 5. If you get hit, you are invincible for about one and a half seconds. (When you get hit, you shake back and forth, and lose life. During that time no other hits count!) 6. Pratice playing without the cursor in single-player mode, so you become a sharp shooter. 7. If you have a nova bomb, and someone keeps following you, pull a loop, and then he will pull a loop (most of times he does). When the nose of your ship is facing the ground exactly below you, shoot the bomb toward the ground, and he will fly right into it. (Do not try when you are very high in the air.) 8. When an arwing fights a Foot Guy, the arwing almost always wins, because arwings can snatch the bomb or the lasers first due to his speed. When the arwing gets the bomb, fly toward the Foot Guy (If you don't know where he is look at his radar and screen). When you see him bomb him, and barrel roll off to deflect his shots. You take almost all his life, and you are unscathed, or have minor damage. Then just finish him, or repeat the process.

Ill have more Tips to come! Back to Homepage

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