
Story One, part 3: Eye of the Magi
Goldmoon's expression was that of complete shock. "What do you mean 'he is me'? Your not making sense." Goldmoon could not help herself from looking at the expression on Raistlin's face. It was calm, collected, and caring. Deep in her own mind, she wanted to hit him. "What I mean Goldmoon, is he is turning into the self-centered, spell-casting man I once was. He is still Riverwind, but he will stop at nothing to gain power." Raistlin could not beleve a word coming from his own mouth. He knew what he was saying was true, but he didn't like what he said about himself. He knew that eventualy, he would once again be weak. "Raistlin, I trust you. I always have. This cannot be, I-" Before she could finish her sentance, Riverwind tumbled into the door. Pushing Goldmoon behind him, Raistlin spoke to Riverwind. "Riverwind, I can't let you in here, I was reveiwing the equipment's condition, I-I-I am not done yet." "You forget mage, I have your power too. Whatever you know, I know." Judging by the twisted look in Riverwind's eyes, Raistlin thought if he didn't get Goldmoon and himself out quickly, they were both going to die. "Ask thi dost rousma/don cegre uth carfa" Raistlin cast his telepotation spell, grabbed Goldmoon, and in the next moment, was on the deck standing next to Sturm, Caramon, and Tanis. "Quickly, we must subdue Riverwind" He said, "He's trying to get Goldmoon" Caramon looked at his brother and said, "But arn't they married? I mean-" "Hush my brother," Raistlin waved his hand to silence his twin, then continued "Riverwind senses the same thing I do, an aura glowing around Goldmoon. When you cast the spell to negate the bubble, you were standing next to Goldmoon. If the arua is used for good, we can overthrow Fistandantilius. If Riverwind takes her, the world as we know it will come to an end." After finishing his speech, Raistlin felt Tanis's eyes shift off of his body and to the door. "I think I know what you mean, Raistlin. Caramon, you grab that beam and bar the door, Sturm, be ready to pin Riverwind to the deck." Raistlin looked at Tanis, then considered what he could do. "I will make myself and Goldmoon Invisible, then cast sleep on the Ranger." What does he want now? Tanis thought to himself. Perhaps he wants to use Goldmoon in the Evil fashion and therefore end the world and gain all power. Then again, maybe not. "Fine. Whatever you think is best for us Raistlin." Tanis felt the young mages eyes look deeper into his soul. "I sense that you don't trust me. If it comes down to it, I will give my life to protect Goldmoon. That would not be the worst thing that I could do. If my death won't stop Riverwind, then I will become the old Raistlin I was before." Recalling what Fistandantilius said, Tanis replied. "But you will be your old self in a month's time! What whould that matter?" Looking into the mage's eyes, Tanis saw them begin to water. "I'm sorry Raistlin. I, uh." "You don't understand, do you?" Raistlin nearly choked on each word, then composed himself and continued speaking. "For twenty years, I studied, secluded myself, and became a mage. After my Test, I was Magi, but a shattered shard of what my body was. For the last five-and-a-half years, I have put up with is form. Now that I have a stronger form, I" Raistlin stopped, stared a moment at the deck, then continued again. "I like this. I can show emotion. I can feel. You have had more than one hundred years of this, and this is all new to me. I won't let this feeling go." Tanis thought about the wizards words. This was the first time in a long time he has show any affection for anyone or anything. As he thought, he neglected the cargo-hold door bieng bashed open.

More next week

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