


What is all about? is a community of Internet users in which members get paid to surf the Web. also pays its members to refer their friends to the community (and for those friends to refer more friends, etc.). is supported by advertising sponsors who recognize the value of Internet users, and who make it possible for us to pay members.

When you sign up, you download and install the Viewbar™, a message window about an inch tall that sits at the bottom of your browser. uses the Viewbar™ to deliver our sponsors’ messages and useful, entertaining content to members. Over time, a member’s Viewbar builds a unique profile of preferences and interests, so messages can be precisely tailored to what members want to see.

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How do I get paid to surf the Web?

Sign up, watch ads, get paid. It really is that simple. The first step is to sign up and become a member. It's fast and it's free (takes about one minute) and there’s no survey to fill out! Click Here to join and start getting paid.

As soon as you sign up, you get a member ID number. You record that number and a password you select, then go to our Viewbar™ download page. The Viewbar™ is a communications device about an inch tall that sits at the bottom of your browser and delivers consumer messages and useful, entertaining content from our sponsors. Log on with your member ID and password, follow the prompts, and download and install the software.

Then launch your browser and surf the Web! The Viewbar™ opens automatically and records your time while you’re actively surfing, and we pay you for it. That’s all you have to do.