
DoomGL-(V1.0) 4.24 MB ->DoomGL is an OpenGL compatible version of Doom. It supports shareware Doom, registered Doom & Doom II. It shares its OpenGL engine with GLHeretic. So, latest updates on GLHeretic could be ported to DoomGL with a minimal effort.

Website: Kokak's Doom Page

ZDoomGL-(V1.19 gl(0.12) [alpha version]) 415 KB ->ZDoomGL is an OpenGL compatible version of ZDoom. It supports shareware Doom, registered Doom & Doom II. Please note that ZDoomGL is at an early stage of development, so a lot of bugs may occur. You need to install ZDoom before running ZDoomGL.

Website: Kokak's Doom Page

B4DoomGL- 3.32MB ->You are the evil sorcerer D'Sparil, banished by a Heretic over one thousand years ago. When a company called UAC founded the slipgate, (used to teleport cargo across space), they also unwillingly opened a dimensional gateway to a world previously known as hell! You now have a one way ticket to revenge, with the burning urge to abolish the human race! Now you know what happened B4 a certain marine found all his buddies murdered and started hunting down demons (DOOM).

Website: B4DooM: Enhanced

LegacyGL-v1.29 beta 12 (r_opengl v0.85) Size? ->Note: Before being able to use fully OpenGL DooM Legacy, you must have the doom2.wad file (original file of Doom II) or another compatible WAD file (like Doom1 shareware)



Launch the game like this (or use the launcher) :
Win 95/98: glLegacy -opengl
Win NT: glLegacy -opengl -nosound
Linux: ./llxdoom -opengl -res 640 480
Don't forget the -opengl parameter, othewise the game starts in software mode.

What is in the 3dfx version that is not in the OpenGL version

  • Nothing. So, if you find something, please report me it!

What is different (less good) from the 3dfx version

  • Turn to red (when someone shoots on you) and turn to green (when you take a bonus) and other changes of palette.

Known bugs of the 3dfx and OpenGL version:

  • You can see black points (the sky) between textures. Try "gr_polygonsmooth on" at the console (experimental and doesn't work with all drivers).
  • Some missing walls/floors/ceilings.

Everything else should be better than the 3dfx version. If you find others bugs or missing characteristics, it would be great to report them to me!

Website: Doom Legacy


-If you have another DOOM enhancement then give me an email and I will check it out and most likely put it on my site!-


11/25/1999 15:45