Cute Pokémon Gallery


For the benefit of those who don't know the Pokémon available, here are some of the cuter little things (but without the VERY IMPORTANT voices...Only important if it's still the Japanese style voice of course!)...

Why is it cute: Because it's Pikachu! Especially cute are the way he wiggles his ears and the way he goes "Chiaaaaaa..."

Why is it cute: Playful, completely unaggressive and quite immortal; Mew's JapV theme is like something out of Fantasia.

  Vulpix...Fire fox no?
Why is it cute: Well it looks cute...You could mistake it for a pony.

Evee and evolutions : Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon
Why is it cute: Aww, cute little puppy! Especially the voice: "Ee-vui?"

Why is it cute: Seen that episode where baby Dratini sits on momma Dragonair?

  Horsea...Cuter in the anime, with the voice included
Why is it cute: Just is. Misty/Kasumi thinks so, so who's to complain?